Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/325

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60 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND-DEC. 27, 1945 1413 Members shall be under no obligation to furnish information in such detail that the affairs of individuals or corporations are disclosed. Members undertake, however, to furnish the desired information in as detailed and accurate a manner as is practicable, and, so far as possible, to avoid mere estimates. (c) The Fund may arrange to obtain further information by agree- ment with members. It shall act as a centre for the collection and exchange of information on monetary and financial problems, thus facilitating the preparation of studies designed to assist members in developing policies which further the purposes of the Fund. Section 6. Consultation between members regarding existing interna- tional agreements Where under this Agreement a member is authorized in the special or temporary circumstances specified in the Agreement to maintain or establish restrictions on exchange transactions, and there are other engagements between members entered into prior to this Agreement which conflict with the application of such restrictions, the parties to such engagements will consult with one another with a view to making such mutually acceptable adjustments as may be necessary. The pro- visions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the operation of Article VII, Section 5. Ante, p. 1411 . ARTICLE IX STATUS, IMMUNITIES AND PRIVILEGES Section 1. Purposes of Article To enable the Fund to fulfill the functions with which it is entrusted, the status, immunities and privileges set forth in this Article shall be accorded to the Fund in the territories of each member. Section 2. Status of the Fund The Fund shall possess full juridical personality, and, in particular, the capacity: (i) to contract; (ii) to acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property; (iii) to institute legal proceedings. Section 3. Immunity from judicialprocess The Fund, its property and its assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from every form of judicial process except to the extent that it expressly waives its immunity for the purpose of any proceedings or by the terms of any contract. Section 4. Immunity from other action Property and assets of the Fund, wherever located and by whomso- ever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, ex- propriation or any other form of seizure by executive or legislative action. Section 5. Immunity of archives The archives of the Fund shall be inviolable.