Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/351

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60 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND-DEC. 27, 1945 1439 4. Immunity from other action 5. Immunity of archives 6 Freedom of assets from restrictions 7. Privilege for communications 8 Immunities and privileges of officers and employees 9. Immunities from taxation 10. Application of Article X. Relations with Other International Organizations XL Relations with Non-member Countries 1 Undertakings regarding relations with non-member countries 2. Restrictions on transactions with non-member countries XTI Organization and Management 1. Structure of the Fund 2. Board of Governors 8 Executive Directors 4. Managing Director and staff 6 Voting . Distribution of net income 7. Publication of reports 8 Communication of views to members XrII Offices and Depositories 1. Location of offices 2. Depositories 3. Guarantee of the Fund's assets XIV. Transitional Period 1. Introduction 2. Exchange restrictions . Notification to the Fund 4. Action of the Fund relating to restrictions 5. Nature of transitional period XV. Withdrawal from Membership 1. Right of members to withdraw 2. Compulsory withdrawal 8. Settlement of accounts with members withdrawing XVI. Emergency Provisions 1. Temporary suspension . Liquidation of the Fund XVIL Amendments XVIIL Interpretation XIX. Explanation of Terms XX. Final Provisions 1. Entry into force 2. Signature 8. Inauguration of the Fund 4. Initial determination of par values Schedules ScuDTuLE A. Quotas SaxoHoL B. Provisions with Respect to Repurchase by a Member of its Currency Held by the Fund ScHmDusL C. Election of Executive Directors ScHmmTE D. Settlement of Accounts with Members Withdrawing SCiBmmUL E. Administration of Liquidation 80634°--4- -PT . n - 22