Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/421

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. POINT OF INTERMEDIATE DESTINATION IN DEPARTURE POINTS U. K. TERRITORY POINTS BEYOND (Any one or more of the (Any one or more of the (Any one or more of the (Any one or more of the following) following, if desired) following, if desired) following, if desired) 13. New York (a) Azores Accra or Lagos Leopoldville Dakar Johannesburg Monrovia (b) San Juan Trinidad British Guiana Belem Natal Monrovia Ascension Is- land IV route"en to (a) Amendments made by either Contracting Party to the routes Ante, p. 1507 . described in Section III of this Annex which change the points served in the territory of the other Contracting Party will be made only Anc,p .1602. after consultation in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of this Agreement. (b) Other route changes desired by either Contracting Party may be made and put into effect at any time, prompt notice to that effect being given by the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Party concerned to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party. If such other Contracting Party finds that, having regard to Post, p. 1616. the principles set forth in paragraph (6) of the Final Act of the Con- Antc, p. 104. ference referred to in Section I of this Annex, the interests of its air carrier or carriers are prejudiced by the carriage by the air carrier or carriers of the first Contracting Party of traffic between the territory of the second Contracting Party and the new point in the territory of a third country it shall so inform the first Contracting Party. If agree- ment cannot be reached by consultation between the Contracting Parties, it shall be open to the Contracting Party whose air carrier or A'"e p. 12. carriers is or are affected to invoke the provisions of Article 9 of this Agreement. mxaoticange of (c) The Contracting Parties will, as soon as possible after the execu- tion of this Agreement and from time to time thereafter, exchange information concerning the authorisations extended to their respective designated air carriers to render service to, through and from the territory of the other Contracting Party. This will include copies of current certificates and authorisations for service on the routes which are the subject of this Agreement, and for the future such new certificates and authorisations as may be issued, together with amend- ments, exemption orders and authorised service patterns. 1510