Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/451

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1540 Reciprocal aid articles. Responsibility in connection with arti- cles not recaptured, etc. Transfers by recipi- ent Government to third government, limitation. 59 Stat. 1031. Disposal of lend- lease articles for civilian use. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. Kingdom, as fully as the available United States organization and equipment permit, in facilitating and expediting the return of articles to be recaptured. In general, the Government of the United States will not require the Government of the United Kingdom to undertake any major reconditioning or repair of such articles. 3. Similar principles will be applied by both Governments in regard to the recapture of reciprocal aid articles. 4. Full responsibility in connection with any lend-lease and re- ciprocal aid articles not recaptured or accepted for return by the sup- plying Government shall lodge with the recipient Government. The supplying Government may decline to accept any lend-lease or re- ciprocal aid articles which may be offered for return. The recipient Government shall not be required to notify the supplying Government before disposing of or abandoning any lend-lease or reciprocal aid articles which become surplus to the military requirements of the recipient Government. Nothing in this paragraph shall, however, be construed as overriding the provisions of paragraphs 6, 7, and 8 hereof. 5. Except as provided in the following paragraphs hereof, the re- cipient Government will not be required to purchase from the supply- ing Government, or to enter into any mutual financial arrangements regarding, any lend-lease or reciprocal aid articles. 6. Transfer by the recipient Government of lend-lease or reciprocal aid articles may be made to third governments (including Dominion Governments) for military use, whether by sale, loan or otherwise, only with the prior authority of the supplying Government and on terms to be agreed between the supplying Government and the third government in question, it being understood that such transfer will in all cases be made for purposes compatible with the principles of international security and welfare set forth in the Charter of the United Nations. Contingent forces serving under United Kingdom command may, subject to the prior authority of the Government of the United States, withdraw lend-lease articles from United Kingdom military holdings upon their assuming a status independent of the United Kingdom Armed Forces. The terms of settlement for such articles shall be agreed between the Government of the United States and the government making the withdrawal. 7. Lend-lease articles may be disposed of for civilian use, whether by sale, lease or otherwise, outside the United Kingdom and British Colonial Dependencies only after the Government of the United States has been offered and has declined their return and has approved such disposal of the articles. Any disposals in this category shall be for the account of the Government of the United States and the pro- ceeds of any such disposal, net of selling and other relevant and nec- essary expenses, shall accrue to the Government of the United States in the currency in which payment was made to the Government of the United Kingdom. Net proceeds in respect of the period from Sep- tember 2, 1945 onwards under leases, arranged before that date, of lend-lease articles for civilian use outside the United Kingdom and British Colonial Dependencies will similarly accrue to the Govern-