Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/460

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60 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-MUTUAL AID SETTLEMENT-MAR . 27,1946 D. CIVIL AFFAIRS SUPPLIES 1. Northwest Europe. Contributions of petroleum products to Northwest Europe drawn from the United Kingdom pool will be treated as falling in the unidentifiable category as set forth in the agreements already reached by the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the United States regarding the lend-lease, element in civil affairs supplies, subject to the proviso that, in the case of petroleum products as distinguished from other unidentifiable civil affairs supplies, the provisions of these agreements dealing with the determination of contributions shall be applied over the period from March 11, 1941 to September 1, 1945, inclusive, in order to be con- sistent with the method used for the determination of the lend-lease share of the United Kingdom petroleum inventory and other arrange- ments between the two Governments in respect of petroleum products. 2. South Europe. The Government of the United Kingdom waives any claim to have contributed a share of the petroleum products sold for civilian use by Allied Forces Headquarters in South European countries. E. WAIVER OF OTHER CLAIMS The provisions of the Agreement on Settlement of Intergovern- mental Claims concluded this day (No. II) shall apply to claims Atc p. 1e. arising out of petroleum transactions, and in addition all claims not otherwise dealt with in this Agreement or in Annex I hereto, arising Pop.13. out of the sale, diversion or retransfer, in Gibraltar, Malta, China, the Philippines and elsewhere, of petroleum products or petroleum materials supplied under lend-lease or reciprocal aid are hereby mutually waived, whether or not covered by paragraph 4 of the A^".p .l13 Agreement on Settlement of Intergovernmental Claims. F. INVENTORIES 1. United Kingdom Inventorie. For the purposes of this Agree- ment, the total petroleum inventories in the United Kingdom as of September 2, 1945 shall be deemed to include petroleum stocks in the United Kingdom on that date, stocks then in transit to the United Kingdom, and stocks then within the possession of the British Armed Forces in Northwest Europe. These stocks have been divided into the United Kingdom share, attributable to contributions to such stocks by the Government of the United Kingdom, and the United States lend-lease share, attributable to contributions of the Govern- ment of the United States to such stocks under lend-lease. Such United States lend-lease share is equivalent to the sum of (a) the quantities earmarked under previous arrangements as the United States military share, and (b) other United States lend-lease stocks. The agreed amount of the United States lend-lease share is shown ~, v. ,l& in Annex II. 2. Other Inventories. (a) An agreed statement of inventories of petroleum products attributable to lend-lease within the possession of the Government 1549