Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/463

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. to the Government of the United States specified in paragraph 3 (b) Pol, p. 1564. of the Joint Statement of December 6, 1945. 2. Settlement for Withdrawals. No financial payment for with- Ant, pp.1550,1551. drawals under the provisions of sections G and H hereof shall be required; provided, however, that as of the date when either Govern- ment declares that it has made its last withdrawal, settlement for any differences between actual withdrawals and the quantities desig- nated for withdrawal by either Government against its share of stocks within the possession of the other Government as of September 2, 1945, and for appropriate handling and packaging charges on quantities delivered after September 1, 1945 to the United States Armed Forces in the United Kingdom (but not on direct deliveries from source in bulk to the United States Armed Forces in areas other than the United Kingdom, on which no such charges will accrue) or in the Ante, p. 50 . other areas mentioned in section G paragraph 2 hereof, shall be made by payment, at appropriate prices to be agreed at the date of settlement, in cash or in kind by adjustment of quantities, as may be mutually convenient, in which case title to any such differences shall pass to the retaining Government upon such payment or adjustment. 3. Settlement for Other Deliveries. All deliveries after September 1, 1945 of petroleum products to agencies of the Government of the United States or of the Government of the United Kingdom, exclusive Ate,p .147 . of (a) those mentioned in section A paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof, (b) withdrawals against agreed shares of inventories, or (c) straight lend- lease or reciprocal aid transfers under United States Joint Chiefs of Staff or United Kingdom Government directives, shall be for settle- ment in cash. K. LEND-LEASE INTERESTS IN PETROLEUM INSTALLATIONS 1. Petroleum Installationsin the United Kingdom. The lend-lease interest in petroleum installations in the United Kingdom is transferred to the Government of the United Kingdom in accordance with the Agreement on Lend-Lease and Reciprocal Aid Installations concluded PeO, p. 1559. this day (No. VII). 2. Petroleum Installations in British Colonial Dependencies and in Third Countries. Petroleum installations located in British Colonial Dependencies and under the control of the United States Armed Potp.158 . Forces on September 2, 1945 are shown in Annex X. The lend- lease interest in these installations is deemed to have been returned to the Government of the United States under the Agreement on Lend-Lease and Reciprocal Aid Installations concluded this day Pop.1559. (No. VII). Petroleum installations located outside the United Kingdom and British Colonial Dependencies, in which the United States had a lend-lease interest and which were in civilian use on September 2, 1945 or thereafter were or may be diverted to such use, Pot,p. 15s. are shown in Annex XI. The installations listed in Annexes X and XI shall be used and disposed of in accordance with the Agreement P,. 1. on Lend-Lease and Reciprocal Aid Installations. L. RESTRICTIONS ON IMPORTATION OF PETROLEUM EQUIP- MENT AND MATERIALS In the course of the negotiation of this Agreement several questions which have arisen in connection with restrictions imposed on American 1552