Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/526

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60 STAT.] BRAZIL-RICE SURPLUSES- Dey 21, 1945 1615 shall be jointly drawn by representatives nominated by the Govern- ment of Brazil and the buying agency. 3. General a) Not more than 20% of the total exportable surplus from Rio Grande do Sul shall be "Blue Rose". b) Shipments from the State of Rio Grande do Sul shall be made from the port of Rio Grande, and shipments from other States shall be made from a port or ports to be mutually agreed upon between buyer and seller. c) Single packing shall be in new, strong, jute bags, but size of packing and whether double or single, and if double, whether the inner bag be jute or cotton, shall be determined by mutual agreement between buyer and seller. d) For purchases made by the agency of the Ministry of Food, the contracts of Rice Brokers Limited, London, shall be used, the material provisions of which are set forth in an attachment (Appendix No. 1) to this schedule. e) For purchases made by an agency of the United States of America, the contracts of such agency shall be used, the material pro- visions of which are set forth in an attachment (Appendix No. 2) to Pod. 1617 . this schedule. f) The Brazilian Government will procure that all shippers of rice under this agreement shall be responsible for the quality of the rice shipped and for full compliance with the terms of this Agreement. g) The rice purchased under this Agreement will enjoy priority for its rapid movement to sea ports in Brazil. Appendix No. 1 to Schedule MATERIAL PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT OF RICE BROxERS LTD. 1. Shipment or shipments made to be declared by sellers not later than twentyone days after clearance of the vessel (steam or motor) at loading port, subject to confirmation by mail. Each shipment to be considered a separate contract. 2. The goods to be at buyers' risk from the time when they are on board the vessel (steam or motor) at port of shipment. 3. Buyers to give sellers due notice when vessel is expected to arrive at loading port. Should vessel to be declared or any substitute fail to arrive at port or ports of loading and be ready to load by (expiry of shipment date in contract), or buyers fail to provide the necessary tonnage, then charges at the rate of one shilling per ton of 1016 kilos per week to be paid by buyers. 4. Payment to be made by cash in London for amount of shipping invoice not later than seven days after arrival of vessel at port of discharge, or not later than 90 days from date of bill of lading, which- ever is the earlier, in exchange for on board bills of lading and/or approved delivery orders and/or freight release authorizing delivery 80634 -- 48 -PTI . --- 33