Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/633

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. Translation REPUBLIC OF CHILE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCIAL POLICY C 4-121.413 No. 004024 SANTIAGO, July 30, 1945. MR. AMBASSADOR: The Government of the Republic of Chile, following the principles upheld by the United Nations and in accordance with the economic 55 Stat. 1603. objectives of the Atlantic Charter and especially of the Inter- American Conference of Mexico City on Problems of War and Peace [1] with respect to the reduction of customs duties, wishes to adopt measures to intensify commercial exchange with the United States of America and other Allied Nations within a policy of mutual concessions and of close cooperation. In view of the fact that the conclusion of a more comprehensive Commercial Agreement with the United States of America will still require a certain amount of time, in consequence of the studies and procedures which must be considered, the Government of Chile believes that it may make progress toward the fulfilment of the above- mentioned objectives by means of the present supplementary exchange of notes which, amplifying the Provisional Commercial Agreement 2 Stat.1479. concluded by the two countries on January 6, 1938, contemplates better the proposals expressed in the referred-to International Agree- ments. The Government of Chile is disposed, immediately, to grant customs concessions to the United States products enumerated in the Post, p. 1724. attached list, these being reductions which, like the Provisional 52 Stat. 1479. Commercial Agreement of 1938, will remain in force until the conclu- sion of a more comprehensive Commercial Agreement with the United States of America and which will be of considerable and positive benefit with respect to the products of that country which will thus enjoy appreciable reductions in customs duties as regards numerous items which are of interest in its trade with Chile. The Government of my country has decided to take the indicated step, without stipulating compensation, in the conviction that it will thus respond to the spirit of frank and loyal cooperation displayed by the Delegation of the United States of America during the Mexico City Conference. ' [Report of the Delegation of the United States of America to the Inter-American Conference on Problemsof War and Peace, Mexico City, Mexico, Februaryfl-March 8, 1946, Department of State publication 2497.] 1722