Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/665

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. Tasenrtilesftor i (b) The Government of the United States agrees to complete as early as possible the transfer (which term, except as hereinafter provided, shall include delivery aboard ocean vessel in a United States port) of the articles selected by the Government of India which were covered by lend-lease requisitions filed by the Government of India with the Foreign Economic Administration and which were under contract, or were completed, but had not been transferred, on Sep- tember 2, 1945. Such transfer will be made in the quantities and according to the specifications and other conditions, except as to time of delivery, set forth in the covering requisitions, to the extent that such articles are or will be available to the Government of the United Title to articles. States for transfer to the Government of India. Title to the articles covered by this paragraph shall pass to the Government of India immediately upon loading of the articles on board ocean vessel in a United States port, provided that risk of loss not recoverable from the supplier, carrier or other third party, shall be assumed by the Government of India upon shipment from the factory or other prem- ises of the supplier. Title to any articles that shall not have been loaded on board ocean vessel in a United States port prior to midnight on July 31, 1946, or two months after receipt by the Government of India of notice of availability, whichever is later, shall be deemed to have been transferred as of such later date, and thereafter the Govern- ment of India shall be responsible for storing and moving such articles within the United States and for delivering such articles aboard ocean cost of transporta- vessel in a United States port. The Government of the United States tion. will pay the cost of ocean transportation to India on United States flag vessels only of such of the articles covered by this paragraph as are loaded aboard ocean vessel prior to July 1, 1946. reciproca aid rticl (c) The Government of the United States shall be deemed to have acquired, as of September 2, 1945, full title, without qualifica- tion as to disposition or use, to all reciprocal aid articles in the posses- sion of the Government of the United States on that date, and to all articles furnished to the United States armed forces in India after that date, except that any reciprocal aid articles or other articles furnished to the United States armed forces in India and incorporated into installations in India are hereby deemed to be returned to the Government of India as of the date the United States armed forces relinquish possession of such installations. lendlead militar 5. (a) The Government of the United States, in paragraph 12 of holdings. the Agreement Relating to Military Holdings (No. IV) dated March Ante.p . 142. 27, 1946, between the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom, recognized that a proportion of United Kingdom lend-lease military holdings in India would be earmarked, as of April 1, 1946, for the requirements of the forces under command of the Commander-in-Chief India, and consented to the transfer of such holdings by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Govern- ment of India. In that Agreement, it was stated that the conditions governing the use and disposal of the lend-lease articles so earmarked would form the subject of negotiations between the Governments of the United States and of India. The transfer to the Government of 1754