Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/709

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1798 Cost of transporta- tion. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. It is understood that accessorial charges, inland and ocean freight and other expenses connected with the transportation to the United States of Brazil of the articles transferred will be paid by the United States of Brazil. ARTICLE IV Without limitation upon the provisions of Article II hereof, it is agreed that the approximate value and the general categories of the articles to be transferred hereunder are as follows: Industrial equipment Air Forces equipment Ordnance equipment ARTICLE V $ 1,014 ,000 137,000 89s 000 Transfer to a third country, restriction. Nonapplicability to certain articles. 55 Stat. 31 . 22U.S . C., Supp. V, §i 411-419. Effective date. It is agreed that the articles transferred to the United States of Brazil under this Agreement shall not be retransferred to the Govern- ment of any third country without the consent of the President of the United States of America. ARTICLE VI It is agreed that transfers under this Agreement and articles so transferred are further subject to the provisions of Article VII of the Agreement between the United States of America and the United States of Brazil dated March 3,1942. ABTCLE VII The provisions of this Agreement shall not apply to articles covered by requisitions calling for full cash payment by the United States of Brazil or to articles requisitioned under Brazilian Project Number 4 for the airplane engine factory at Xerem. ARTICLE VIII This Agreement does not constitute a final settlement of the terms and conditions upon which the United States of Brazil has received aid under the Act of March 11, 1941, except for the articles made available under the provisions hereof. ARTICLE IX It is understood that the articles comprising the category "Ord- nance equipment" referred to in Article IV hereof are incomplete and that their completion is not contemplated under the terms of Article II hereof; nevertheless the United States of America agrees to under- take the completion of the said articles at the option and expense of the United States of Brazil. ARTICLE X This Agreement shall take effect as from this day's date.