Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/733

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MULTILATERAL-RUBBER -MAY 2, 1945 4. Following the aforesaid interim period and the completion of the establishment of the procedures agreed upon above by Argentina, Brazil and the United States of America will use their best efforts to insure that the essential economic requirements of Argentina for tires and tubes and the materials necessary for their manu- facture, which must be obtained by importation, will be met so far as they can be supplied within the limitations of the available supply, of the essential requirements of war and with due con- sideration for the essential requirements of other countries. 5. It is understood and agreed that this agreement will remain in force; termination force during such period as the present emergency shortage of natural rubber continues and shall terminate ninety days after it is mutually agreed between the parties that such emergency con- ditions no longer exist. Your Excellency's note, this note and that of the Charge d'Affaires of Brazil, all of even date, constitute as from today an agreement among our respective Governments which will remain in force until such time as the terms of paragraph five herein are fulfilled. I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate to Your Excellency the assurances of my most distinguished consideration. EDWARD L. REED Charge d'Affaires a. i. His Excellency Doctor CeSAR AMEGHIINO, Acting Ministerfor Foreign Affairs and Worship, Etc., etc., etc. The Argentine Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship to the American Charge d'Affaires ad interim MINIBTERIO DE RELACIONE8 EXTERIORES Y OULTO D.A .E .No BUENOS AIRES, Mayo $ de 1945. SENOR ENCARGADO DE NEGOCIOS: Tengo el honor de dirigirme a V. S. con referencia a las negociaciones realizadas con la Comisi6n conjunta estadounidense-brasilefio re- lativas a la distribuci6n y el suministro de caucho a la Rep6blica Argentina, para dejar constancia de la conformidad de mi Gobierno a las siguientes clafsulas: 1 - La Repfblica Argentina se incorpora desde la fecha al regimen que, para establecer la distribuci6n y el suministro de c&maras y cubiertas y obtener el maximo grado de con- servaci6n del caucho durante el actual periodo de emergencia, ha sido preparado mediante convenios entre Estados Unidos de America y Brasil y entre Estados Unidos de America y otras repfiblicas americanas. 80634° -4 8-PT . I- --46 60 STAT.] 1823