Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/764

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. Meetings of Inter- national Conferences of American States. Meetings of Min- isters of Foreign Af- fairs. Official English TranslationPreparedby the Pan American Union FINAL ACT OF THE INTER-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON PROBLEMS OF WAR AND PEACE PURSUANT to the invitation extended on January 10, 1945, by the Government of the United Mexican States, the Delegations of the countries enumerated below met in Mexico City on February 21, 1945. The order of precedence was determined by a drawing of lots on February 21, in conformity with Article 5, paragraph (g), of the Regulations of the Conference: IX REORGANIZATION, CONSOLIDATION AND STRENGTHENING OF THE INTER-AMERICAN SYSTEM WHEREAS: The inter-American system and the principles, instruments, agencies, and procedures that give it substance, constitute the living manifestation of the determination of the sovereign American Repub- lics to act together for the fulfillment of their common purposes in the maintenance of peace and security and in the promotion of the well-being of their peoples; The inter-American system is and has traditionally been inspired by a deep sense of universal cooperation; The inter-American system, as an expression of the common ideals, the needs, and the will of the community of American Republics, should be further improved and strengthened for the purpose of adjusting and solving inter-American problems; The inter-American system should, furthermore, maintain the closest relations with the proposed general international organization and assume the appropriate responsibilities in harmony with the principles and purposes of the general international organization, The Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace RESOLVES: 1. That the International Conferences of American States shall meet ordinarily at four-year intervals and shall be the inter-American organ entrusted with the formulation of general inter-American policy and the determination of the structure and functions of inter- American instruments and agencies. The next Conference shall meet in Bogota in 1946. 2. The regular Meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall be held annually upon special call by the Governing Board of the 1854