Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/767

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'60 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-INTER -AMERICAN SYSTEM-MAR . 8,1945 as the effective rule of their conduct and the pledge of those Govern- ments to observe the standards enunciated in a "Declaration of the Rights and Duties of States" and a "Declaration of the International Rights and Duties of Man"; these shall serve as the definition of the fundamental principles of international law and shall appear as an annex to the charter, so that, without amending it, the Declarations may be revised from time to time to adapt them to the requirements and aspirations of international life. For the preparation of the first Declaration, the principles already incorporated into the juridical heritage of the inter-American system shall be coordinated, especially those contained in the "Convention on the Rights and Duties of States" approved at the Seventh Inter- national Conference of American States; [1] in the "Declaration of Principles of Inter-American Solidarity and Cooperation" adopted at the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace; [2] in the "Declaration of the Principles of the Solidarity of America," and the "Declaration of American Principles" adopted at the Eighth International Conference of American States; [3] in the "Declaration on the Maintenance of International Activities in Accordance with Christian Morality" [4] and the declaration relative to "Reciprocal Assistance and Cooperation for the Defense of the Nations of the Americas," [5] approved at the First and Second Meetings of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, respectively; and in the Declarations on "Con- tinental Solidarity in Observance of Treaties" and "The Good Neigh- bor Policy," adopted at the Third Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs. [6] The draft declaration on "Reaffirmation of Fundamental Principles of International Law" prepared by the Inter-American Juridical Committee, and any Declaration of Principles that may be adopted by this Conference, shall also be taken into account. In regard to the second Declaration mentioned above, the text shall be that formulated by the Inter-American Juridical Committee in fulfillment of the request contained in another resolution of the present Conference. It is the desire of the Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace that there shall be taken into account the Inter- American Commission of Women, which for sixteen years has rendered eminent services to the cause of America and humanity, and that it I [Treaty Series 881; 49 Stat. 3097.] i [Report of the Delegation of the United States of America to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 1-83, 1936, Department of State publication 1088, Conference Series 33, pp. 227-228.] ' [Report of the Delegation of the United States of America to the Eighth Inter- national Conference of American States, Lima, Peru, December 9-27, 1938, Depart- ment of State publication 1624, Conference Series 50, pp. 189-190.] 4 [Report of the Delegate of the United States of America to the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, Held at Panama September S-October 3, 1939, Department of State publication 1451, Conference Series 44, p. 60.] i [Second Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Habana, July 1-SO3, 1940 (Report of the Secretary of State), Department of State publication 1575, Conference Series 48, pp. 71 -72 .] a [Department of State Bulletin, Feb. 7, 1942, vol. VI, no. 137, publication 1696.] 1857 49 Stat. 3097. Inter-American Commission of Womon.