Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/782

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. as a result of the operation of a station located in another country signatory or adhering to this Agreement, such Government shall notify its representative on the North American Regional Broad- casting Engineering Committee and the Government of the country in which the alleged interfering station is located that it has reason to believe that excessive interference is being caused and shall state the general character of such interference. On receipt of the notice, the Government to which it is addressed will refer the same to its com- mittee member. Within ten days the interested committee members shall meet at the location of the alleged interfering station and make such measurements as appear necessary to determine material facts bearing upon the issues raised in the complaint. E. In the event the Government requesting an inspection or in- vestigation or the Government of a country in which an inspection or investigation is requested does not have a representative on the North American Regional Broadcasting Engineering Committee, such Government shall designate a committee representative to serve the particular case. In any case where neither Government is repre- sented on the standing committee, both shall designate committee representatives for that purpose. F. In making field intensity measurements or inspections, com- mittee members shall be governed by the standards of good engineer- ing practice accepted by the Committee. iingeqsuipmint G. Each committee member shall be individually provided by his Government with appropriate items of radio measuring equipment or apparatus properly calibrated in accordance with mutually accept- able standards. Report of commit- H. Where examination shows that the construction referred to in tee. Paragraph "C" hereof is in accordance with the notification, and that provisions have been made for protection in accordance with the notification, the Committee will so report to the Government of the country in which the station is located and at the same time communi- cate a copy of such report to the Government or Governments requesting the examination. Where the examination indicates that the construction is not in accordance with the notification, or that provisions have not been made for protection in accordance with the notification, the Committee shall make such report to the Governments together with recommendations as to changes of construction, modification, or adjustments of circuits necessary to comply fully with the notification. I. Where measurements are made following a complaint by a signatory or adhering Government, the results of such measurements with recommendations of the Committee members shall be communi- cated forthwith to the interested Governments. juorsmnton ad- J. Upon receipt of a report that inspection of facilities shows that adequate provisions had not been made to prevent radiations in excess of the accepted maximum with recommendations as to measure necessary for correction, the Government of the country in which the facilities are located shall take steps to see that the necessary correc- tions or adjustments are made prior to operation of the facilities. 1872