Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/797

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60 STAT.] U. N. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION-OCT. 16, 1945 needed to assist them to fulfil the obligations arising from their ac- ceptance of the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture; and (c) generally to take all nec- essary and appropriate action to implement the purposes of the Organization as set forth in the Preamble. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP 1. The original Members of the Organization shall be such of the nations specified in Annex I as accept this Constitution in accord- ance with the provisions of Article XXI. 2. Additional Members may be admitted to the Organization by a vote concurred in by a two- thirds majority of all the members of the Conference and upon ac- ceptance of this Constitution as in force at the time of admission. ARTICLE III THE CONFERENCE 1. There shall be a Conference of the Organization in which each Member nation shall be repre- sented by one member. 2. Each Member nation may ap- point an alternate, associates, and advisers to its member of the Con- ference. The Conference may make rules concerning the partici- pation of alternates, associates, and advisers in its proceedings, but any such participation shall be without the right to vote except in the case of an alternate or as- sociate participating in the place of a member. 3. No member of the Confer- ence may represent more than one Member nation. 4. Each Member nation shall have only one vote. 5. The Conference may invite any public international organi- zation which has responsibilities related to those of the Organiza- tion to appoint a representative who shall participate in its meet- ings on the conditions prescribed by the Conference. No such rep- resentative shall have the right to vote. 6. The Conference shall meet at least once in every year. 7. The Conference shall elect its own officers, regulate its own procedure, and make rules govern- ing the convocation of sessions and the determination of agenda. 8. Except as otherwise ex- pressly provided in this Constitu- tion or by rules made by the Con- ference, all matters shall be decided by the Conference by a simple majority of the votes cast. ARTICLE IV FUrNCTIONS OF THE CONFERENCE 1. The Conference shall deter- mine the policy and approve the budget of the Organization and shall exercise the other powers conferred upon it by this Consti- tution. 2. The Conference may by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast make recommendations con- cerning questions relating to food and agriculture to be submitted to Member nations for consideration with a view to implementation by national action. 3. The Conference may by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast submit conventions concern- ing questions relating to food and agriculture to Member nations for consideration with a view to their acceptance by the appropriate con- stitutional procedure. 80634° -4 8-PT. I -- 50 1887