Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/801

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60 STAT.] U. N . FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION-OCT. 16 , 1945 the competent authorities of the organization concerned. ARTICLE XV LEGAL STATUS 1. The Organization shall have the capacity of a legal person to perform any legal act appropri- ate to its purpose which is not be- yond the powers granted to it by this Constitution. 2. Each Member nation under- takes, insofar as it may be possible under its constitutional procedure, to accord to the Organization all the immunities and facilities which it accords to diplomatic missions, including inviolability of premises and archives, immu- nity from suit, and exemptions from taxation. 3. The Conference shall make provision for the determination by an administrative tribunal of dis- putes relating to the conditions and terms of appointment of mem- bers of the staff. ARTICLE XVI FISH AND FOREST PRODUCTS In this Constitution the term "agriculture" and its derivatives include fisheries, marine products, forestry, and primary forestry products. ARTICLE XVII INTERPRETATION OF CONSTITUTION Any question or dispute con- cerning the interpretation of this Constitution or any international convention adopted thereunder shall be referred for determination to an appropriate international court or arbitral tribunal in the manner prescibed by rules to be adopted by the Conference. ARTICLE XVIII EXPENSES 1. Subject to the provisions of Article XXV, the Director-Gen- eral shall submit to the Conference an annual budget covering the an- ticipated expenses of the Organi- zation. Upon approval of a bud- get the total amount approved shall be allocated among the Mem- ber nations in proportions de- termined, from time to time, by the Conference. Each Member nation undertakes, subject to the require- ments of its constitutional pro- cedure, to contribute to the Organ- ization promptly its share of the expenses so determined 2. Each Member nation shall, upon its acceptance of this Consti- tution, pay as its first contribution its proportion of the annual budget for the current financial year. 3. The financial year of the Or- ganization shall be July 1 to June 30 unless the Conference should otherwise determine. ARTICLE XIX WITHDRAWAL Any Member nation may give notice of withdrawal from the Or- ganization at any time after the expiration of four years from the date of its acceptance of this Con- stitution. Such notice shall take effect one year after the date of its communication to the Director- General of the Organization sub- ject to the Member nation's having at that time paid its annual contri- bution for each year of its member- ship including the financial year following the date of such notice. ARTICLE XX AMENDMENT OF CONSTrrTUTION 1. Amendments to this Consti- 1891