Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/810

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60 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-MOSCOW AGREEMENT, 1945-DEC. 27,1945 of the Council of Foreign Ministers together with all members of the United Nations which actively waged war with substantial military force against European enemy states, namely: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom, United States of America, China, France, Australia, Belgium, Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Union of South Africa, Yugoslavia, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The conference will be held not later than May 1, 1946. [1] 3. After the conclusion of the deliberations of the conference and upon consideration of its recommendations the States signatory to the terms of armistice with Italy, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland-France being regarded as such for the purposes of the peace treaty with Italy-will draw up final texts of peace treaties. 4. The final texts of the respective peace treaties as so drawn up will be signed by representatives of the States represented at the conference which are at war with the enemy states in question. The texts of the respective peace treaties will then be submitted to the other United Nations which are at war with the enemy states in question. 5. The peace treaties will come into force immediately after they have been ratified by the Allied States signatory to the respective armistices, France being regarded as such in the case of the peace treaty with Italy. These treaties are subject to ratification by the enemy states in question. II. Far Eastern Commission and Allied Council for Japan: A. Far Eastern Commission. Agreement was reached, with the concurrence of China, for the establishment of a Far Eastern Commission to take the place of the Far Eastern Advisory Commission. The Terms of Reference for the Far Eastern Commission are as follows: I. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMISSION. A Far Eastern Commission is hereby established composed of the representatives of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom, United States, China, France, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, and the Philippine Commonwealth. II. FUNCTmoNs. A. The functions of the Far Eastern Commission shall be: 1. To formulate the policies, principles, and standards in conformity with which the fulfillment by Japan of its obligations under the Terms of Surrender may be accomplished. ' [The Paris Conference was convened on July 29, 1946 to consider the peace treaties with Italy, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland.] 1901 Final texts of peace treaties. Signing of treaties. Entryinto force.