Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/835

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. ANNEX A. 1/ The Government of the Uni- ted States of America will grant to a Czechoslovak airline, to be designated by the Czechoslovak Govern- ment, with regard to the territory of the United States of America, the ne- cessary operating permission to the air service on the route Praha-Bruxelles-London- roynes-New Foundland-New York, in both directions. 2/ This operating permission shall include : The right to take on in the United States of America passengers, cargo and mail destined for the territory of Czechoslovakia or of any other States and the right to put down in the United States of America passengers, cargo and mail taken on in the territory of Czecho- slovakia or any other States. PfL0H A. 1/ nTda Spojenych statl severo- americkych ud31 Cdeskosloven- skdmu leteck4mu podniku, ktery Jmenuje vldda Ceskoslovenskd, potfebnd oprdvnenf k provozu leteckd linky Praha-Brusel- Londyn-Foynes-New Foundland- New York, v obou smnrech, po- kud tato linka vede pfes uzemf Spojenlch statd severo- americkych. 2/ Toto provoznf opravnenf bude v sobe zahrnovati : Prdvo naklidati ve Spojench statech severoamerickich cestu- Jcl, zbo2f a poStu urcene do uzemi Eeskoslovenska, nebo kterychkoll jinych statt a prdvo vykladati ve Spojenyoh statech severoamerickyoh cestu- Jief, zboif a postu nalozen6 na uzemf Ceskoslovenska, neb kterichkoli jinych stgta. 1926