Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/842

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60 STAT.] CENTRAL COMMISSION OF THE RHINE- 0 4 29, 1945 Nov. 5, 1945 1933 I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Your Excellency's obedient Servant, (For the Secretary of State) N. J. A. CHEETHAM His Excellency The Honourable JOHN G. WINANT, etc., etc., etc., 1, Grosvenor Square, W.1. The American Ambassador to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs THE FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 5028 LONDON, October 29, 1945 SIB: I am instructed by my Government to acknowledge your note of October 4 and to say that the United States Government will be pre- pared to participate in the Central Commission of the Rhine on the following assumptions: 1. The United States will participate in the Central Commission of the Rhine on an equal basis as all other participating States, it being understood that each State will have one representative and one vote, and that the decisions of the Commission shall be taken on the basis of a majority of the members present and voting. 2. The United States will pay an equal share of the expenses of the Commission on the assumption that the expenses will be kept to a minimum necessary to enable the Commission to discharge its agreed functions. 3. The United States Government believes that it might eventually be desirable to have a representative of the Allied Control Commission in Germany on the Central Commission of the Rhine. However, in order to expedite the establishment of the Commission at the earliest possible date, the United States accepts the alternative that the Allied Military authorities controlling German riparian, territory should be represented at the meetings of the Commission by liaison officers. 4. It is understood that the Central Commission of the Rhine will be established on a purely provisional basis without prejudice to the conclusion of negotiations by the interested Governments for the establishment of a permanent regime. It is also understood that the Commission will exercise the powers and functions accorded to the pre-war Rhine Commission by the Conventions of 1868['] and 1919[2] and that it will coordinate its activities with ECITO. 5 stat. 1740. [Recueil des Traites de la Fiance, 1867-1872, vol X, pp. 177-209 .] [Treaties, Convention, International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements between the United States of America and Other Powers, vol. III, pp. 8493-8497.]