Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1009

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XXVIII Coast Guard-Continued SPARS, repeal of Act of November 23, 1942 ----------------....- _ -__ - Stations, manning by Navy, etc., date of termination of emergency in in- terpretation of provisions of Act of Aug. 29, 1916 ------------- ..-- Strikes against U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc----------------. Taxes- Admissions tax exemption, termina- tion date-------------------- Allowance against gross income, ter- mination date--------_ __ -_ _ _. Income-tax deferments for personnel on sea duty or outside United States, termination date ---- _- Income taxes, abatement upon death; credit or refund of overpayment- Page 450 454 233 919 918 918 778, 918 Transportation tax exemption, ter- mination date ------- _------- 919 Withholding at source on wages----- 918 Travel expenses, civilian officers and em- ployees, payment, repeal of Act of February 21, 1942 ----- _-------- 449 Vessels. See separate title. Veterans. See separate title. Warrant officers- Eligibility for appointment as com- missioned officer --- __--_ _--- - 410 Eligibility of certain personnel for per- manent appointment as chief warrant officers and warrant offi- cers; precedence ------------ 411,412 Women's Reserve, repeal of Act of No- vember 23, 1942-------. ------ -- - 450 Coast Guard Academy: Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946, non- applicability to cadets ----------- 749 Cadets, pay increase ----------------- 134 Chapel, construction authorized; acqui- sition of site; private contributions, etc --------- .- -- -- .- -- -- - 399,400 Graduates, eligibility for appointment as commissioned officer in Coast Guard ------------------------ 410 Coast Pilots, appropriation for compila- tion---- ----------- _----------- 298 Coconuts, suspension of tariff duty, ter- mination date ------------------- 917 Code, United States. See United States Code. Code Annotated, United States, price limitation ------- _ ---_------- 609 Code of Federal Regulations, appropria- tion for printing and binding of sup- plements---...----------------- 184, 375 Code of Laws, preparing and editing new edition, appropriation for increased pay costs ----------------------- Coffee Board, Inter-American, appropria- tion for contribution -- __-__-___._- Coins and Coinage: Ingots, deviations in standard --- _-___ Silver coins- Recoinage, appropriation for_____ . Weight, deviations --- _-____--__- Transportation of bullion and coin, ap- Page 27 282 132 218 133 propriation for ----------------- 223 Trial pieces of coins, number .--- - _- -_ 129 Colleges and Schools: Agriculture and mechanic arts, colleges of, appropriation for endowment__ 266 Federal Works Agency, contributions for operation and maintenance of school facilities, continuance of authorization ------------------- 716 Appropriation authorized ---------- 717 Appropriation for ---------- _----- 697 Land-grant colleges, agricultural exten- sion services, cooperation in re- cruitment and placement of domes- ticfarmlabor-----_-----------_ 55 Minnesota, cooperation with designated public-school districts in extension of school facilities, appropriation authorized ---- _-------------- 414, 418 Moclips-Aloha District, Wash., school construction- Appropriation authorized; conditions_ 211 Appropriation for--------------- - 699 Veterans' education. See Educational facilities under Veterans. Colon, Republic of Panama, appropriation for waterworks, sewers, etc --------. 692 Colorado: Arkansas River compact, funds for nego- tiation of---------------------- 478 Colorado-Big Thompson project, appro- priation for--------- 116, 474, 475, 944 Irrigation projects, appropriation for-_ 467 Leadville, drainage tunnel, reduction in appropriation ------------------ 21 Oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress granted to extension and renewal of interstate compact con- cerning-------_ -- -- -- --- -- -- - 316 Paonia Federal reclamation project, construction, etc., funds available; appropriation authorized --------- 181 Colorado River Compact, 1922, applica- bility to waters and lands in connec- tion with Gila project, Ariz ---- .- - 628 Colorado River Dam Fund, appropriation for-------------------------- 116,476 INDEX