Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1021

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INDEX Dependent Children, Aid to. See Social Page Security Act; Social Security Admin- istration. Deschutes Project, Oreg., appropriation for --------------. .-.


474,944 Detainees, Civilian, free importation privi- leges, termination date ------------ 917 Detroit River Postal Service, appropria- tion for ------------------- ...- - . 230 Dickinson Dam, Heart River Project, ap- propriation for---------------- .... 699 Digest of General Public Bills, limitation on expenditures for preparation, etc- 372 Diplomatic Officers. See Foreign Service under State, Department of. Disaster Loan Corporation, repeal of Act creating --------- .- -- - -- - - -- - .. - 209 Discretionary Trusts, Certain, gift tax, cer- tain relinquishments by grantor not deemed transfer of property, time ex- tension of provisions; interest restric- tion on certain overpayments----- - 178 Distilled Spirits, Etc.: Exportation, drawback -----. .- -- - - - - 319 Grain, use for beverage purposes, time extension of authority of President respecting allocation -------- ..- - 946 War tax rates of certain miscellaneous taxes, continuance; drawback ----- 12 District Attorneys, appropriation for sal- aries and expenses --------. 111, 117, 290 District Courts. See under United States Courts. District of Columbia: Administration, general, appropriation for--------------------- .. 29, 62, 426 Adult Correctional Service, funds for----------. .-- ----------. 30, 63,437 Advertising in newspapers and legal periodicals, appropriation for----- 426 Aged and Infirm, Home for, appropria- tion for--------------------- 438 Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, ap- propriation for -- _----.-----. 29,427 Alcoholics, rehabilitation of--------- .744 Clinic- Appointment of director and other personnel; recommendations- 746 Establishment of -----. ------- -- 744 Committee for assistance in effecting provisions-------------------- 747 License fees for manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages, increase; per- manent appropriation -------.. . 746 Voluntary submission for treatment, etc------------------------- 746 Alley Dwelling Authority Act, appropri- ation for maintenance of properties under- --

- ... ..... .... ..... ..... - 60 District of Columbia-Continued Page Andrew W. Mellon Memorial Commit- tee, authorization for erection of memorial ---------------------- 327 Apprenticeship Council, funds for ..-- 62, 426 Appropriation Act, 1948 ------- ..- --- 425 Appropriations, specified amounts to be considered maximumn---------. . 448 Aqueducts and accessories, appropria- tion for ----------------------- 445 Arrests for probable cause in certain cases ---------------- . -- -- - -. . 743 Asphalt plant, appropriation for; funds for preparation of site ---- ..- -- .. 441 Assessor's office, appropriation for- -- 29, 426 Athletic contests, corrupt influence in connection with, prohibition, pen- alty for violation --------. .. .-- _ 313 Audited claims, appropriation for pay- ment......................... 64, 185 Audited claims payable from District of Columbia revenues -------------. 79 Auditor, vouchers, Health Department and Public welfare, audit ------- 447 Auditor's office, appropriation for - -29, 426 Automobiles, privately owned, allow- ance for use in performance of offi- cial duties; limitation on amount__ 448 Black-outs, date of termination of war in interpretation of Act of Dec. 26, 1941; exceptions----- ---------- 453 Board of Education. See Public schools, this title. Bribes in connection with athletic con- tests, prohibition, penalty for viola- tion----------------- . .- - - -- - -. 313 Bridges, appropriation for operation, etc ....... ............... 441 etc---------------------------- 441 Buildings, etc., reductions in appropria- tions for certain ----- _____-----. 19 Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital, appropriation for--------437 Ceremonies, appropriation authorized- 314 Chief Clerk, Office of, appropriation for------------------

- 30, 439 Children's Hospital, appropriation for _ 437 Citizenship requirement, employees. - 447 Claims and suits, appropriation for settlement of ------------. . . . 64, 426 Collector's office, appropriation for_ 29, 62, 426 Columbia Hospital and Lying-In Asy- lum, appropriation for ---------- 437 Communication systems, appropriation for operation and maintenance - - 440 Compensation and retirement fund ex- penses, appropriation for------ 184, 426 Concealed weapons, arrests without warrant; limitation on use of evi- dence discovered--------------- 743 XL