Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1123

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INDEX Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1948- Page Continued Senate, appropriation for------------ 610 Social Security Administration, appro- priation for -------------------- 615 State, Department of, appropriation for_ 622 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc----------------- 627 Surplus property, care and handling overseas, appropriation for------ _ 614 Treasury Department, appropriation for --------------------------- 623 United Nations Relief and Rehabilita- tion Administration, appropriation for liquidation------------------ 614 Veterans' Administration, appropriation for--------------------------- 617 War Department, appropriation for .- - 624 Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1948, Second----------------- _- -- -- - - 695 Agriculture, Department of, appropria- tion for----------------------- 698 American Battle Monuments Commis- sion, appropriation for -- _---- --_ 696 Capitol Police, appropriation for------ 696 Civil Service Commission, appropria- tion for---.------------------- 696 Coast Guard, appropriation for --- _-- 702 Commerce, Department of, appropria- tion for ---------- _-------- --- - 698 Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Govern- ment, appropriation for ---..---- 696 Defense, Office of Secretary of, transfer of funds and equipment from War and Navy Departments; availabil- ity; limitation---------------- 703, 704 District of Columbia, appropriation for.--------------------------- 698 Federal Works Agency, appropriation for -------------------------- 697 House of Representatives, appropriation for --- ---.---.... -- ..__----. 696 Interior, Department of the, appropriation for -----------. . .- --- -- --- -- . 699 Justice, Department of, appropriation for -------------------------- 700 Labor, Department of, appropriation for--------------------------- 700 Legislative Branch of the Government, appropriation for ---------------- 695 Maritime Commission, appropriation for -------------. ------------- 697 National Security Council, transfer of funds and equipment from War and Navy Departments; availability; limitation------------------- 703, 704 Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1948, Page Second-Continued National Security Resources Board, transfer of funds and equipment from War and Navy Departments; availability; limitation-------- . 703, 704 Navy Department, appropriation for--- 700 Obligations incurred in anticipation of appropriations or authority, ratifi- cation and confirmation --------- 703 Overthrow of U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating - __ _ --- -- -- -_

703 Post Office Department, appropriation for--------------------------- 700 Senate, appropriation for------------ 695 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc---------------- 703 Treasury Department, appropriation for__ 697 War Department, appropriation for .- . 702 Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1948, Third---------------------------- 941 Agriculture, Department of, appropria- tion for ----------------------- 942 Army, Department of the, appropria- tion for-------------------_ -- - 943 Commerce, Department of, appropria- tion for------------------------ 943 Federal Security Agency, appropriation for--------------. ------------ - 942 Foreign aid, appropriation for--------- 942 House of Representatives, appropriation for --------------------------- 941 Interior, Department of the, appropria- tion for ------------------ . -- -. 943 Legislative Branch of the Government, appropriation for---------------- 941 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating ---.. --------- __.-- _ 944 President, funds appropriated to, appro- priation for ------------------- _ 942 Senate, appropriation for ------------ 941 Social Security Administration, appro- priation for -------------------- 942 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc ---------- __--- _ 944 Supplemental Government CQrporations Appropriation Act, 1948 ----------- 514 Obligations incurred in anticipation of appropriations or authority, ratifi- cation and confirmation-_ __ _ _ _ __ _ 703 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of. See under Navy Department. Supreme Court, United Sttea. See under United States Courts. CXLII