Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1140

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INDEX War Department-Continued Fort Schuyler Military Reservation, N. Y., right of assumption and con- trol by U. S ., date of termination of emergency in interpretation of Act of Aug. 19, 1937------------ Gages, dies, jigs, etc., funds available for procurement of ...- ....---- _ General Staff Corps- Appropriation for-- ------- .--- -- Appropriation rescissions . ---. . ---. Geographic Names, Board on, represen- tation on, etc-------------- Gold star lapel buttons, furnishing to widows, parents, etc., of deceased armed forces members---------- Hawaii, conveyance, date of termination of emergency in interpretation of Act of June 19, 1936 ------ ..- - Health service programs, funds for- . . 569, Helium procurement- Appropriation for--------------- Transfer of funds to Bureau of Mines for----------


Hoboken Pier Terminals, Hoboken, N. J., right of assumption and con- trol by U. S., date of termination of emergency in interpretation of Act of June 21, 1938 ----------- Horses, draft and pack animals, appro- priation for ----- .. .

_- Household effects, transportation of, on change of station-


, Housing. See separatetitle. Illinois, transfer of certain lands to Secretary of Interior, limitation on jurisdiction over portion used by War Department---------------- Infantry, Office of Chief of, appropria- tion rescission------------------- Inspector General, Office of- Appropriation for ------ .- - _ -_- --- Appropriation rescission --------.-- Inter-American relations- Appropriation for ----------------- Appropriation rescission ---------- Jefferson Barracks, Mo., use of federally owned lands as national cemetery, authorized _----------------- Judge Advocate General, Office of- Appropriation for --------------- Appropriation rescission --. . -- ---- Judgments, appropriation for payment- 7 Laborers and mechanics, certain, work- ing hours, etc., date of termination of emergency in interpretation of provisions of Act of July 2, 1940-- Page 452 572 551 572 456 710 454 694 559 482 452 558 554 770 573 568 573 568 573 742 568 573 77, '8, 626 453 War Department-Continued Land, acquisition of- Military purposes, date of termination of state of war, etc., in interpreta- tion of Act of July 2, 1917 --.- Reduction in appropriations -----_ _ Land purchase contracts, limitation on commissions ------------- _ _- - -. Leases of real or personal property, au- thority; report to Congress --- __ Appropriation authorized for effecting provisions relating to -------- _ Taxes, State or local, applicability_ . Leave Act of 1946, Armed Forces, Amendments. See separatetitle. Mail clerks and assistant mail clerks, Army, repeal of provisions respect- ing payment of additional compen- sation----------------------__ Maritime Commission, working fundi reduction in appropriations ------- Medical course of instruction, active duty requirement for certain men who completed, authority of Secretary- Medical Department- Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947. See separatetitle. Female physicians and surgeons, ap- pointment, repeal of Act of April 16, 1943 --------------- . .-- Medical and Hospital Department- Appropriation for ------ ____---- Appropriation rescission ------ __ Transfer of funds to appropriation for -----. .- --- .- -- - -- .- Surgeon General, Office of, appropria- tion for---------------------. Women's Medical Specialist Corps. See under Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947. Medical Officer Procurement Act of 1947, Army-Navy-Public Health Service---------------------. .- Medical Service Corps, Army. See Army Medical Service Corps under Army-Navy Medical Services Corps Act of 1947. Meetings, funds available for attendance at------------------ . - -- - - -- - Mileage accounts, military personnel, provision for payment and settle- ment----------------------_ --- Military Academy. See separatetitle. Military Appropriation Act, 1948------ Military forces other than National Guard, maintenance by States and Territories, issuance of equipment, etc., repeal of provisions of Nation- al Defense Act of June 3. 1916---- CLIX Page 451 22 571 774 776 775 211 18 451 449 660 573 71 568 776 554 23 551 449