61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CHS. 62 , 6:3, 67-MAY 15, 1947 before the appropriate United States commissioner; and such col- lateral shall be deposited with the United States commissioner at Alexandria, Virginia. "SEC. 7. The Administrator may enter into agreements with the State of Virginia, or with any political subdivision thereof, for such municipal services as the Administrator shall deem necessary to the proper and efficient government of the airport, and he may, from time to time, agree to modifications in any such agreement: Provided, however, That where the charge for any such service is established by the laws of the State of Virginia, the Administrator may not pay for such service an amount in excess of the charge so established. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for the making of payment for services under any such agreement." Approved May 15, 1947. [CHAPTER 63] AN ACT Authorizing and directing the removal of stone piers in West Executive Avenue between the grounds of the White House and the Department of State Building. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Director of the National Park Service is hereby authorized and directed to remove the stone piers from West Executive Avenue between the grounds of the White House and the Department of State Building. Approved May 15, 1947. [CHAPTER 67] AN ACT To amend the Act approved December 28, 1945 (59 Stat. 663), entitled "An Act to provide for the appointment of additional commissioned officers in the Reg- ular Army, and for other purposes", as amended by the Act of August 8, 1946 (Public Law 670, Seventy-ninth Congress). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Awmrica in Congress assembled, That, effectivo December 28, 1945, the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the appoint- ment of additional commissioned officers in the Regular Army, and for other purposes", approved December 28, 1945 (59 Stat. 663), as amended by the Act of August 8, 1946 (Public Law 670, Seventy-ninth Congress), is further amended by inserting after section 8 thereof an additional section as follows: "SEC. 9. For the purpose of administering the provisions of this Act, the date of nomination by the President if the Senate is in session, or if the Senate is in recess the date of a recess appointment by the President, shall be considered as the date or time of appointment in determining eligibility for appointment, permanent grade in which appointed, date of rank in such grade, period of service to be credited under section 5 hereof, and eligibility for promotion of each person appointed as a commissioned officer of the Regular Army under the provisions of this Act: Provided, That no person appointed under the provisions of this Act shall be entitled, by reason of such appointment, to any pay or allowances for any period prior to the date of acceptance of such appointment." Approved May 15, 1947. 95 Agreements fo- municipal services. Charges. Appropriations au- thorized. May 15, 1947 [H. R . 2846] [Public Law 69] Say 15, 1947 [H. R. 16051 [Public Law 611 Regular Army. Alppoilntmenlt of adl- ditlntial officers. 60 Stat. 925. 10 U. S. C. §}481, 505-505d . 552a, 5.2c. Post, pp. 735, 736. Time of appoint- ment. 59 Stat. 664. 10 U. S.. 505c. Post, p. 735. Pay and allowances.