Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/246

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PUBLIC LAWS-OH. 186- -JULY 1, 1947 SECRET SERVICE DIVISION Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia, $85,000. Suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes: For necessary expenses in detecting, arresting, and delivering into the custody of the United States marshal or other officer having jurisdiction, dealers and pre- tended dealers in counterfeit money, persons engaged in counterfeiting, forging, and altering United States notes, bonds, national bank notes, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, and other obli- gations and securities of the United States and of foreign governments (including endorsements thereon and assignments thereof), as well as the coins of the United States and of foreign governments, and persons committing other crimes against the laws of the United States relating to the Treasury Department and the several branches of the public service under its control; purchase of seventy-five and hire of motor Prtesdentitc the passenger vehicles; purchase of arms and ammunition; and for the protection of the person of the President and the members of his immediate family and of the person chosen to be President of the Information on United States; $1,550,000: Provided,That of the amount herein appro- tions. priated not to exceed $15,000 may be expended for the purpose of securing information concerning violations of the laws relating to the Treasury Department, and for services or information looking toward the apprehension of criminals, and all vouchers claiming reimburse- ment from such amount of $15,000 shall have the approval of the Chief of the Secret Service before payment. White House Police: For salaries of the White House Police as 42 Stat. 841 . authorized by law (3 U. S . C . 62), $372,900. Ante, p. 132. For uniforming and equipping the White House Police, including the purchase, issue, and repair of revolvers, and the purchase and issue of ammunition and miscellaneous supplies, to be procured in such manner as the President may determine, $9,000. Salaries and expenses, guard force, Treasury buildings: For expenses of the guard force for Treasury Department buildings in the District of Columbia, including the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and elsewhere, including purchase, repair, and cleaning of uniforms, pur- chase of two passenger motor vehicles, and the purchase of arms and Transfr of funds. ammunition and miscellaneous equipment, $720,000: Provided, That not to exceed $168,925 of the appropriation "Salaries and expenses. Bureau of Engraving and Printing", may be transferred to this appro- priation to cover service rendered such Bureau in connection with the protection of currency, bonds, stamps, and other papers of value the cost of producing which is not covered and embraced in the direct Supervisors. appropriations for such Bureau: Providedfurther,That the Secretary of the Treasury may detail two agents of the Secret Service to super- vise such force. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the Secret Service Division, $8,000. Reimbursement to Reimbursement to District of Columbia, benefit payments to White D.C. for certain bene- fit'payments. House Police and Secret Service forces: For reimbursement to the District of Columbia on a monthly basis for benefit payments made from the revenues of the District of Columbia to members of the White House Police force and such members of the United States Secret Service Division as are entitled thereto under the Act of October D.C . code§4-508. 14, 1940 (54 Stat. 1118), to the extent that such benefit payments are in excess of the salary deductions of such members credited to said revenues of the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1948, D.c . Code 4-503 . pursuant to section 12 of the Act of September 1, 1916 (39 Stat. 718), as amended, $68,500. [61 STAT. 222