Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/314

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 211-JULY 9, 1947 60 Stat. 810. expenses, services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 5 u.. 1946 (Public Law 600) and notarial fees or like services, $2,500,000. Miscellaneous salaries and expenses, field: For salaries not otherwise specifically provided for, and such other expenses for the field service, including travel expenses, a health service program as authorized by 60 Stat. 903 . the Act of August 8, 1946 (Public Law 658), temporary services as U.s. C. 150. authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 600), and notarial fees or like services; firearms and ammunition therefor; $500,000. Salaries and expenses of district attorneys, and so forth: For salaries, travel, and other expenses of United States district attorneys, their regular assistants and other employees, including the office expenses of United States district attorneys in Alaska, and for salaries of regularly appointed clerks to United States district attorneys for services rendered during vacancy in the office of the United States district attorney, $5,200,000. Compensation of special attorneys, and so forth: For compensation of special attorneys and assistants to the Attorney General and to United States district attorneys not otherwise provided for employed Foreign counsel. by the Attorney General to aid in special matters and cases, and for payment of foreign counsel employed by the Attorney General in special cases, $100,000, no part of which, except for payment of foreign counsel, shall be used to pay the compensation of any persons except attorneys duly licensed and authorized to practice under the laws of salary limitation. any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia: Provided,That the amount paid as compensation out of the funds herein appropriated to any person employed hereunder shall not exceed $10,000 per annum: Reportsto Congress. Provided further, That reports be submitted to the Congress on the 1st day of July and January showing the names of the persons employed hereunder, the annual rate of compensation or amount of any fee paid to each, together with a description of their duties. Salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth: For salaries, fees, and expenses of United States marshals, deputy marshals, and clerical assistants, including services rendered in behalf of the United States Services in Alaska. or otherwise; services in Alaska in collecting evidence for the United States when so specifically directed by the Attorney General traveling Troansferfrprisoners expenses, including the actual and necessary expenses incident to the transfer of prisoners in the custody of United States marshals to narcotic farms; purchase of five (for replacement only) station wagons, busses, and vans at not to exceed $3,500 each; $5,150,000. Fees of witnesses: For expenses, mileage, and per diems of wit- nesses and for per diems in lieu of subsistence, such payments to be made on the certification of the attorney for the United States and to be conclusive as provided by section 846, Revised Statutes (28 Authoriationa by U. S . C . 577), $700,000: Provided, That not to exceed $25,000 of this amount shall be available for such compensation and expenses of witnesses or informants as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General or his Administrative Assistant, which approval Liitateon on at- shall be conclusive: Provided further, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be used to pay any witness more than one Feravel epenes of attendance fee for any one calendar day: Provided further, That whenever an employee of the United States performs travel in order to appear as a witness on behalf of the United States in any case involving the activity in connection with which such person is emploved, his travel expenses in connection therewith shall be pay- able from the appropriation otherwise available for the travel expenses of such employee. Pay and expenses of bailiffs: For pay of bailiffs, not exceeding one bailiff in each court, and meals and lodging for bailiffs or deputy 290 [61 STAT.