Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/384

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 258 -JULY 16, 1947 55 Stat. 871 . D. C . Code, Supp. V, §5 47-1901a, 47 -1904 to 47-1906. 43 Stat. 109. D.C.Code§47- 1912. Repeal. 55 Stat. 871. D. C. Code, Supp. V, § 47-1901a. 52 Stat. 78 . D. C. Code §40-201. 52 Stat. 78. D. C. Code §40-23. 52 Stat. 78 . D. C. Code §40-204. Effective date. 33 Stat. 244. D. C. Code §j 43- 1510 to 43-1517. December 26, 1941, to 3 cents per gallon effective January 1, 1942, and extending to and including June 30, 1951, is hereby further increased to 4 cents per gallon effective on the first day of the first month follow- ing the approval of this Act and extending to and including June 30, 1952, and thereafter the tax shall be 3 cents per gallon. When, pursu- ant to section 14 of such Act, gasoline or other motor-vehicle fuel is sold by any agency of the United States within the District of Columbia, for use in privately owned vehicles, such agency of the United States shall, by agreement with the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, arrange for the collection of the full amount of the tax per gallon herein authorized to be imposed and as increased by this section, and shall account to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia for the proceeds of such tax collections. SEC. 2. Section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act increasing motor- vehicle-fuel taxes in the District of Columbia for the period January 1, 1942, to June 30, 1951", approved December 26, 1941, is hereby repealed, effective on the first day of the first month following the approval of this Act. ARTICLE IV-AMENDMENT TO MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION ACT SEC 1. Section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the annual inspection of all motor vehicles in the District of Columbia", approved February 18, 1938, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "That at the time of the registration of each motor vehicle or trailer there shall be levied and collected a fee known as the 'inspection fee' of $1." SEC. 2 . Section 3 of said Act is hereby amended by inserting imme- diately after the words "motor vehicles" the words "and trailers" SEC. 3 . Section 4 of said Act is hereby amended by inserting imme- diately after the words "motor vehicles" the words ' and trailers". SEC. 4. This article shall become effective thirty days after the approval of this Act. ARTICLE V-INCREASE IN WATER RENTS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR WATER MAINS SEe. 1 . Water rents charged by the District of Columbia for water used in the District of Columbia on and after July 1, 1947, shall be increased 25 per centum over the rents now in effect. Whenever the application of this increase to an existing rate results in a rate with a fractional part. of a cent, the rate shall be, if the fraction be one-half cent or more, the nearest higher amount not containing a fraction, and, if the fraction be less than one-half cent, the nearest lower amount not containing a fraction. In computing the rent for the consumption of water in excess of the minimum amount allowed by law for metered service, if the rent is charged for a period begin- mng prior to July 1, 1947, and ending thereafter, the rent for such excess consumption shall be prorated. SEC. 2 . The rate of assessment for laying or constructing water mains in the District of Columbia under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the laying of water mains and service sewers, and for other purposes", approved April 22, 1904, is hereb established at $1.90 per linear foot for any water mains constructed or laid on and after July 1, 1947. 360 [61 STAT.