Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/443

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1ST SESS.- CHS. 315, 316-JULY 24, 1947 z41 otherwise appropriated, the sum of $213,000 for the purpose of cooper- ating with the following public-school districts (both organized and unorganized) in the State of Minnesota, such appropriation to be apportioned as follows: Naytahwaush, Independent School District Numbered 29, Mahnomen County, $146,000; Inger, District Numbered 6 (Deer River), Itasca County, $12,500; Lake Lena, District Num- bered 129, Pine County, $12,500; Pine Point, District Numbered 133, Becker County, $27,000; Squaw Point area, unorganized territory Cass County, $15,000; for the construction, extension, equipment, and improvement of public-school facilities: Provided, That the expendi- schovailabityn of ture of any money so authorized shall be subject to the express condi- dren. tions that the schools maintained by these said districts in the said buildings shall be available to all Indian children of the districts, on the same terms, except as to payment of tuition, as other children of said school districts: Provided further, That plans and specifications iPlans and specifea- for construction, extension, or improvement of structures shall be furnished by local or State authorities without cost to the United States Government, and upon approval thereof by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, actual work shall proceed under the direction of such local or State officials. Payment for work in place shall be Payment for work made monthly on vouchers properly certified by local officials of the Indian Service: Provided further,That any amount expended on any UReconpment by project hereunder, title to which will, after recoupment is accom- plished, vest in the public school district, shall be recouped by the United States within a period of thirty years, commencing with the date of occupancy of the project, through reducing the annual Federal payments for the education of Indian pupils enrolled in public or high schools of the district involved, or by the acceptance of Indian pupils in such schools without cost to the United States, and in com- puting the amount of recoupment for each project interest at 3 per centum per annum shall be included on unrecouped balances: And provided further, That not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount Transfer of funds. allocable to any of the several above-named districts may be trans- ferred in the discretion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to the amount of any other of the above-mentioned projects, but no project shall be increased more than 10 per centum by any such transfer. Approved July 24, 1947. [CHAPTER 316] AN ACT July 24, 1947 Granting the consent and approval of Congress to an interstate compact relating nl. R. 3598 to the better utilization of the fisheries (marine, shell, and anadromous) of the [Public Law 2321 Pacific coast and creating the Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent Interstate fsheries and approval of Congress is hereby given to an interstate compact relating to the better utilization of the fisheries (marine, shell, and anadromous) of the Pacific coast, creating the Pacific Marine Fisheries racifc Mainne Fih- Commission, and now ratified by the States of California, Oregon, and Washington. The compact reads as follows: "PACIFIC MARINE FISHERIES COMPACT "The contracting states do hereby agree as follows: "AKRInLE I "The purposes of this compact are and shall be to promote the PIurpoS- better utilization of fisheries, marine, shell and anadromous, which are of mutual concern, and to develop a joint program of protection