Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/594

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570 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 357-JULY 30, 1947 [61 STAT. as are now or may be hereafter authorized by law and regulation to purchase subsistence stores or other Quartermaster supplies and to civilians employed or serving at military posts in supplying them with articles of small personal needs, not similar to those furnished Certification on by the Government: Provided, That the commanding officer of the monthly ts post at which any such exchange is situated shall certify on the monthly report of the post exchange council that such exchange was, during the period covered by such report, operated in compliance Isolated posts. with this section: Provided further, That at posts isolated from a convenient market the Secretary of War may broaden the nature of the articles to be sold. CanaZonreqir SEC. 5 . No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall ment. be used directly or indirectly, except for temporary employment in case of emergency, for the payment of any civilian for services ren- dered by him on the Canal Zone while occupying a skilled, technical, clerical, administrative, executive, or supervisory position unless such person is a citizen of the United States of America or of the Republic Emlycmetn Pan1 of Panama: Provided, however, (1) That, notwithstanding the pro- 48 U. . S . 1307 vision in the Act approved August 11, 1939 (53 Stat. 1409), limiting note. employment in the above-mentioned positions to citizens of the United States from and after the date of the approval of said Act, citizens Limitationonnum. of Panama may be employed in such positions; (2) that at no time ber. shall the number of Panamanian citizens employed in the above- mentioned positions exceed the number of citizens of the United States so employed, if United States citizens are available in continental Employees with 15 United States or on the Canal Zone; (3) that nothing in this Act shall prohibit the continued employment of any person who shall have rendered fifteen or more years of faithful and honorable service sjetletton of person- on the Canal Zone; (4) that in the selection of personnel for skilled, technical, administrative, clerical, supervisory, or executive positions, the controlling factors in filling these positions shall be efficiency, men pyorOtesmPlo y - experience, training, and education; (5) that all citizens of Panama and the United States rendering skilled, technical, clerical, adminis- trative, executive, or supervisory service on the Canal Zone under the terms of this Act (a) shall normally be employed not more than forty hours per week, (b) may receive as compensation equal rates of pay based upon rates paid for similar employment in continental tiPplcability ofsec- United States plus 25 per centum; (6) this entire section shall apply only to persons employed in skilled, technical, clerical, administrative, executive, or supervisory positions on the Canal Zone directly or indirectly by any branch of the United States Government or by any corporation or company whose stock is owned wholly or in part by gency suspenon emer the United States Government: Provided further, That the President may suspend from time to time in whole or in part compliance with this section in time of war or national emergency if he should deem osu8tenglo bcs such course to be in the public interest: Provided further That the of housing shortage. President may, if he finds it necessary because of a shortage of hous- ing, suspend, for the fiscal year 1948, the application of those portions of this section which require the employment of citizens of the Republic of Panama or of the United States in skilled, technical, clerical, administrative, executive, or supervisory positions. Instruction, et., of SEC. 6. Appropriations for the Military Establishment for the cnemployees. fiscal year 1948 shall be available for all necessary expenses in con- nection with the instruction and training, including tuition, not other- wise provided for, of civilian employees in and under the War Depart- ment and the Military Establishment. Temporr services SEC. 7 . Whenever, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, the Secretary of War should deem it to be advantageous to the national defense, and if in his opinion the existing facilities of the War