Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/661

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CH. 388-JULY 30, 1947 637 § 204. Codes and Supplements as evidence of the Laws of United States and District of Columbia; citation of Codes and Supplements. (a) United States Code. (b) District of Columbia Code. (c) District of Columbia Code; citation. (d) Supplements to Codes; citation. (e) New edition of Codes; citation. §205. Codes and Supplements; where printed; form and style; ancillaries. § 206. Bills and resolutions of Committee on the Judiciary of House of Repre- sentatives; form and style; ancillaries; curtailment of copies. § 207. Copies of acts and resolutions in slip form; additional number printed for Committee on the Judiciary of House of Representatives. § 208. Delegation of function of Committee on the Judiciary to other agencies; printing, etc. , under direction of Joint Committee on Printing. § 209. Copies of Supplements to Code of Laws of United States and of District of Columbia Code and Supplements; conclusive evidence of original. § 210. Distribution of Supplements to Code of Laws of United States and of District of Columbia Code and Supplements; slip and pamphlet copies. § 211. Copies to Members of Congress. § 212. Additional distribution at each new Congress. § 213. Appropriation for preparing and editing supplements. PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF CODE OF LAWS OF UNITED STATES AND SUPPLEMENTS AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS § 201. In order to avoid duplication and waste- (a) Publishing in slip or pamphlet form or in Statutes at Large.- Publication in slip or pamphlet form or in the Statutes at Large of any of the volumes or publications enumerated in sections 202 and 203 of this title, shall, in event of enactment, be dispensed with whenever the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Repre- sentatives so directs the Secretary of State; (b) Curtailing number of copies published. -Curtailment of the number provided by law to be printed and distributed of the volumes or publications enumerated in sections 202 and 203 of this title may be directed by such committee, except that the Public Printer shall print such numbers as are necessary for depository library distribu- tion and for sale; and (c) Dispensing with publication of more than one Supplement for each Congress.- Such committee may direct that the printing and distribution of any supplement to the Code of Laws of the United States or to the Code of the District of Columbia be dispensed with entirely, except that there shall be printed and distributed for each Congress at least one supplement to each such code, containing the legislation of such Congress. PREPARATION AND PUBLICATION OF CODES AND SUPPLEMENTS § 202. There shall be prepared and published under the super- vision of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Repre- sentatives- (a) Cumulative Supplements to Code of Laws of United States for each session of Congress. -A supplement for each session of the Con- gress to the then current edition of the Code of Laws of the United States, cumulatively embracing the legislation of the then current supplement, and correcting errors in such edition and supplement; (b) Cumulative Supplement to District of Columbia Code for each session of Congress. - A supplement for each session of the Congress to the then current edition of the Code of the District of Columbia, cumulatively embracing the legislation of the then current supplement, and correcting errors in such edition and supplement; (c) New editions of Codes and Supplements. - New editions of the Code of Laws of the United States and of the Code of the District of