Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/674

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 390-JULY 30, 1947 SAME; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH LAW § 13. Any company doing business under the provisions of sections 6 to 13 of this title which shall fail to comply with any of its provisions shall forfeit to the United States for every such failure not less than $500 nor more than $5,000, to be recovered by suit in the name of the United States in the same courts in which suit may be brought against such company under the provisions of sections 6 to 13 of this title, and such failure shall not affect the validity of any contract entered into by such company. RATE OF PREMIUM ON BOND; PREMIUMS NOT TO BE PAID BY UNITED STATES § 14. Until otherwise provided by law no bond shall be accepted from any surety or bonding company for any officer or employee of the United States which shall cost more than 35 per centum in excess of the rate of premium charged for a like bond during the calendar year 1908. The United States shall not pay any part of the premium or other cost of furnishing a bond required by law or otherwise of any officer or employee of the United States. BONDS OR NOTES OF UNITED STATES IN LIEU OF RECOGNIZANCE, STIPULATION, BOND, GUARANTY, OR UNDERTAKING; PLACE OF DEPOSIT; RETURN TO DEPOSITOR; CONTRACTORS' BONDS § 15. Wherever by the laws of the United States or regulations made pursuant thereto, any person is required to furnish any recognizance, stipulation, bond, guaranty, or undertaking, hereinafter called "penal bond", with surety or sureties, such person may, in lieu of such surety or sureties, deposit as security with the official having authority to approve such penal bond, United States Liberty bonds or other bonds or notes of the United States in a sum equal at their par value to the amount of such penal bond required to be furnished, together with an agreement authorizing such official to collect or sell such bonds or notes so deposited in case of any default in the performance of any of the conditions or stipulations of such penal bond. The acceptance of such United States bonds or notes in lieu of surety or sureties required by law shall have the same force and effect as individual or corporate sureties, or certified checks, bank drafts, post-office money orders, or Place ordeposit. cash, for the penalty or amount of such penal bond. The bonds or notes deposited hereunder, and such other United States bonds or notes as may be substituted therefor from time to time as such security, may be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, a Federal Reserve bank, or other depositary duly designated for that purpose by the etutodepositor ecretary, which shall issue receipt therefor, describing such bonds etto ositor or notes so deposited. As soon as security for the performance of such penal bond is no longer necessary, such bonds or notes so deposited contrar withPla shall be returned to the depositor. In case a person or persons supply- etc. ing a contractor with labor or material as provided by sections 2 7 0a to 270d of title 40 shall file with the obligee, at any time after a default in the performance of any contract subject to said sections 270a to 270d, the application and affidavit therein provided, the obligee shall not deliver to the obligor the deposited bonds or notes nor any surplus proceeds thereof until the expiration of the time limited by said sections 270a to 270d for the institution of suit by such person or per- sons, and, in case suit shall be instituted within such time, shall hold said bonds or notes or proceeds subject to the order of the court having jurisdiction thereof. Nothing herein contained shall affect or impair [61 STAT.