61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CH. 3S-APR . 16 , 1947 "TITLE VI-NURSE CORPS RESERVE "SEC. 601. A Nurse Corps Reserve is hereby established which shall be a branch of the Naval Reserve and shall be administered under the same provisions in all respects (except as may be necessary to adapt said provisions to the Nurse Corps Reserve, or as specifically provided herein) as those contained in this Act or which may here- after be enacted with respect to the Volunteer Reserve. "SEC. 602. Members of the Nurse Corps Reserve may be commis- sioned in appropriate ranks corresponding to those of the Nurse Corps of the Regular Navy in accordance with such regulations as the Secre- tary of the Navy may prescribe. Such members of the Nurse Corps Reserve, when on active duty, shall have the same authority in and about naval hospitals and other activities of the Medical Department of the Navy as officers of the Nurse Corps of the Regular Navy. "SEC. 603 . The Reserve established by this title shall be composed of members who are female citizens of the United States and who shall have such professional or other qualifications as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy. "SEC. 604. All nurses of the Volunteer Reserve appointed under the authority of title 1, section 4, of this Act are hereby transferred to the Nurse Corps Reserve established by section 601 of this title in such permanent ranks as the Secretary of the Navy may determine and the temporary ranks held by those on active duty on the effective date of this title shall not be vacated by reason of such transfer. Each nurse so transferred, who at the time of such transfer had to her credit leave accrued but not taken, may, subsequent to such transfer, be granted such leave without loss of pay and allowances." SEC. 211. Sections 5, 6, and 7 of the Act of April 18, 1946 (60 Stat. 92), as now or hereafter amended, shall be construed to include mem- bers of the Nurse Corps Reserve and former members of the Nurse Corps or the Nurse Corps Reserve abolished by this Act: Provided, That no member of the Nurse Corps Reserve or former member of the Nurse Corps or the Nurse Corps Reserve who has reached the age of thirty-five years shall be commissioned in the Nurse Corps of the United States Navy created and established by this Act. SEC. 212. Nurses appointed to commissioned rank pursuant to sec- tion 203 of this title who, under a prior appointment in the Nurse Corps, siall have subscribed to the oath of ofice as required by section 1757, Revised Statutes, shall not be required to renew such oath or take a new oath under her appointment as a commissioned officer in the Nurse Corps of the United States Navy if her service in the Nurse Corps after taking such oath shall have been continuous. SEC. 213. Effective six months after enactment of this title, all laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this title are hereby repealed, and the provisions of this title shall be in effect in lieu thereof and such repeal shall include but shall not be limited to the following Acts and parts of Acts: (a) The third paragraph, subheading "Repairs, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery", heading "Bureau of Medicine and Surgery", of the Act of May 13, 1908, as it appears on page 146, volume 35, Statutes at Large. (b) So much of the Act of May 13, 1926 (44 Stat. 531), as relates to the Navy Nurse Corps. (c) So much of the Act of June 20, 1930 (46 Stat. 790), as amended by the Acts of March 3, 1931 (46 Stat. 1502), and October 17, 1940 (54 Stat. 1192), as relates to the Navy Nurse Corps. (d) That part of section 4 of the Act of June 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1176), which relates to the appointment of female registered nurses in the Volunteer Reserve. 51 Establishment; ad- ministration. Commissioned ranks. Authority. Qualifications. Transfers. 52 Stat. 1176. 34 U.S. C. §853b. Post,p. 90 . Accrued leave. 34U.S.C.i15,16, 228a. Post, p. 867. Age limitation. Oath of office. Ante, p. 47. 5 U.S. C. 16. Repeals. 34U.S. C. if 41, 42, 878, 887. 34 U. S. C. i4438- 440a. 34U.8 . i. 46, 437. 34 U. S. O. 853b. Pod, p. 90.