Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/826

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 Ante, p. 798. Officers designated for limited duty. Number in respect topromotion. Officers not re- stricted in duty. Officers designated for limited duty. years: Provided, That no officer of the grade of commander shall be eligible for consideration by a selection board for promotion to cap- tain who, on June 30 of the fiscal year of the convening of the board, will have completed less than eighteen years commissioned service as defined in subsection 102 (d) of this title, nor shall any such officer be so eligible until all officers senior to him in his grade are likewise eligible. An officer in any grade who shall become eligible for such consideration shall, regardless of failure or failures of selection for such promotion, remain so eligible while on the active list: Provided, That officers whose names are on the promotion list for any grade on the date of the convening of the board shall not be considered for the same grade by the board. (d) Of the officers, in any grade, designated for limited duty, who would otherwise be eligible for consideration for promotion pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section, only the junior officer in the promotion zone and officers senior to him in the grade concerned shall be eligible for such consideration. INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED SELECTION BOARDS SEc. 108. (a) The Secretary of the Navy shall furnish the appro- priate selection board with (1) the number of officers not restricted m the performance of duty, the number of officers designated for engi- neering duty, the number of officers designated for aeronautical engi- neering duty, the number of officers designated for special duty, and the number of officers designated for limited duty, which the board may recommend for promotion to the next higher grade; (2) the names of all officers eligible for consideration for promotion to each grade or grades to which the board will recommend officers for promo- tion; (3) the number of rear admirals not restricted in the perform- ance of duty which the board may recommend for continuation on the active list; (4) the names of all rear admirals eligible for considera- tion for continuation on the active list; (5) the number of captains designated for engineering duty, the number of captains designated for aeronautical engineering duty, and the number of captains desig- nated for special duty, which the board may recommend for continua- tion on the active list; (6) the names of captains eligible for con- sideration for continuation on the active list; (7) the records of all officers whose names are furnished to a board; and (8) the names of officers in the respective promotion zones in the grade or grades under consideration for promotion. (b) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the promo- tion of officers not restricted in the performance of duty shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board and shall be equal to the number of vacancies existin among such officers in each grade for promotion to which the board will recommend such officers plus the estimated number of such vacan- cies which will occur during the ensuing twelve-month period and minus the number of such officers then on the promotion list. (c) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the promotion of officers designated for limited duty shall be determined by the Secre- tary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board and shall be equal to the number of vacancies existing among such officers in each grade for promotion to which the board will recommend such officers plus the estimated number of such vacancies which will occur during the ensuing twelve-month period and minus the number of such officers then on the promotion list. 802 [61 STAT.