Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/99

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61 STAT. 80TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 49-MAY 1, 1947 Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce: "Departmental salaries and expenses", $506,000, to be derived by transfer from "Field office service"; Patent Office: "Salaries", $165,000 and, in addition, $467,000 to be derived by transfer from appropriations as follows: "Photolitho- graphing", $200,000; "Printing and binding", $252,000; and "Miscellaneous expenses", $15,000; National Bureau of Standards: "Operation and administration", $68,000; "Testing, inspection, and information service", $186,000; "Research and development", $121,000 and, in addition, $100,000 to be derived from funds transferred to the National Bureau of Standards from the appropriation "Technical and scientific services"; "Standards for commerce", $31,000; Weather Bureau: "Salaries and expenses", $962,000 and, in addition, $750,000 to be derived by transfer from "Maintenance and opera- tion of meteorological facilities (Executive Order 9709)"; Inland Waterways Corporation: "Administrative expenses" (increase of $16,000 in the limitation upon the amount of the corporate funds which may be used for administrative expenses); DEPARTMENT OF LABOR The Secretary of Labor is hereby authorized to transfer from appro- priations available to the Department of Labor not to exceed the following specified amounts to the appropriations indicated: Office of the Secretary: "Salaries", $114,000; "Salaries and expenses, child-labor provisions, Fair Labor Standards Act", $1,000; "Salaries and expenses, child-labor provisions, Fair Labor Standards Act, Division of Labor Standards", $25,000; "Salaries and expenses, child-labor standards, Division of Labor Standards", $2,000; "Salaries and expenses, Office of the Solicitor", $126,000; "Salaries and expenses, Division of Labor Standards", $14,000; "Connmissioners of Conciliation", $282,000; Retraining and Reemployment Adilnistration: "Salaries", $25,000; "Apprentice Training Service", $218,000; Bureau of Labor Statistics: "Salaries and expenses", $637,000; United States Employment Service: "General administration", $217,000; Women's Bureau: "Salaries and expenses", $29,000; Wage and Hour Division: "Salaries', $577,000; TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of the Secretary: "Salaries", $55,000; Division of Tax Research: "Salaries", $23,800; Office of Tax Legislative Counsel: "Salaries", $11,900; Division of Research and Statistics: "Salaries", $22,000; Office of General Counsel: "Salaries", $20,200; Division of Personnel: "Salaries", $28,100; Office of Chief Clerk: "Salaries", $53,950; Custody of Treasury buildings: "Salaries of operating force", $85,900; 75 60 Stat. 471. 60 Stat. 471 . 60 S tat. 472. 60 Stat. 474. 3 CFR, 1946 Supp. , p. 115. 60 Stat. 594. Transfer of funds. 60 Stat. 679. 52 Stat. 1060 . 29 U. S. C.C§ 201- 219. Post, p. 87 . 60 tat. 63. 60 Stat. 680 . 60 Stat. 680 . 60 Stat. 683. 60 Stat. 686 . 60 Stat. 686 . 60 Stat. 568. 60 Stat. 669. 60 Stat. 569. 60 Stat. 569. 60 Stat. 569. 60 Stat. 569. 60 Stat. 569. 60 Stat. 570.