Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/1174

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TREATIES ANNEX I (See Article 1) Maps I. Hungarian Frontiers IA. Rectification of the Hungarian-Czechoslovak Frontier ANNEX II (See Article 14) Definition of Military and Military Air Training 1. Military training is defined as: the study of and practice in the use of war material specially designed or adapted for army purposes, and training devices relative thereto; the study and carrying out of all drill or movements which teach or practice evolutions performed by fighting forces in battle; and the organised study of tactics, strategy and staff work. 2. Military air training is defined as: the study of and practice in the use of war material specially designed or adapted for air force purposes, and training devices relative thereto; the study and practice of all special- ised evolutions, including formation flying, performed by aircraft in the accomplishment of an air force mission; and the organised study of air tactics, strategy and staff work. ANNEX III (See Article 17) Definition and List of War Material The term "war material" as used in the present Treaty shall include all arms, ammunition and implements specially designed or adapted for use in war as listed below. The Allied and Associated Powers reserve the right to amend the list periodically by modification or addition in the light of subsequent scientific development. 2134 [61 STAT.