Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/1177

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-PEACE WITH HUNGARY-FEB. 10, 1947 4. Catapults or launching apparatus for ship-borne, land- or sea-based aircraft; apparatus for launching aircraft weapons. 5. Barrage balloons. Category VI. Asphyxiating, lethal, toxic or incapacitating substances intended for war purposes, or manufactured in excess of civilian requirements. Category VII. Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics or liquefied gases destined for the propulsion, explosion, charging or filling of, or for use in connection with, the war material in the present categories, not capable of civilian use or manufactured in excess of civilian requirements. Category VIII. Factory and tool equipment specially designed for the production and maintenance of the material enumerated above and not technically con- vertible to civilian use. ANNEX IV Special Provisions Relating to Certain Kinds of Property A. INDUSTRIAL, LITERARY AND ARTISTIC PROPERTY 1. (a) A period of one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty shall be accorded to the Allied and Associated Powers and their nationals without extension fees or other penalty of any sort in order to enable them to accomplish all necessary acts for the obtaining or preserving in Hungary of rights in industrial, literary and artistic property which were not capable of accomplishment owing to the existence of a state of war. (b) Allied and Associated Powers or their nationals who had duly applied in the territory of any Allied or Associated Power for a patent or registration of a utility model not earlier than twelve months before the outbreak of the war with Hungary or during the war, or for the registration of an industrial design or model or trade mark not earlier than six months before the outbreak of the war with Hungary or during the war, shall be entitled within twelve months after the coming into force of the present 2137