Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/1323

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INDEX Concurrent Resolutions-Continued Page "Communist Party of United States as an Agent of a Foreign Power", printing of additional copies of House report ------------------ 1023 Congress- Adjournment --------------------- 1029 Adjournment sine die ------------. 1029 Enrolled bills, etc., signing of, after adjournment ------------ 1026, 1030 Joint meeting of two Houses__- 1021, 1029 Cuba, liberation, fiftieth anniversary celebration; appointment of joint committee, etc---------------- . - 1027 District of Columbia- Control of weapons, request for re- turn of bill; signing rescinded__- 1024 Revenue Act of 1947, change in en- rollment of bill -------------. 1024 "Economic Reconstruction in Europe", printing of additional copies of House report-------. .. . . .- --- - _ 1023 Empire Parliamentary Association, ac- ceptance of invitation to meeting; appointment of delegations; ex- penses ------------------ _----- 1025 "Final Report Reconversion Experience and Current Economic Problems", printing of additional copies of House report ------------------ _ 1023 High prices of consumer goods, appoint- ment of subcommittees of Joint Committee on Economic Report for study, etc.; report ----------- 1025 Housing, Joint Committee on, estab- lishment, etc ----------------- . 1027 Housing and Rent Act of 1947, change in enrollment of bill ------------ 1022 International Refugee Organization, change in enrollment of bill ----- . 1023 National Labor Relations Act, Amend- ment, correction in enrollment of bill- 1022 "National Security Act of 1947", print- ing of additional copies of hearings_ 1024 "Postwar Foreign Economic Policy of the United States", printing of additional copies of House report__ 1022 Profit Sharing and Possibilities of In- centive Taxation, Survey of Experi- ence in, printing of additional copies of Senate report --------------- 1022 Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1947, reso- lution respecting -------------- 1023 Small businessmen, representation on Government boards, etc., resolution respecting--------


1024 Surplus lands or structures, certain, re- port as, or disposition of, by War Department, Navy Department, and War Assets Administration-- . 1026 Concurrent Resolutions-Continued Page Tax revision, printing of additional copies of hearings, etc___ -- --- -- - 1027 Un-American Activities, Committee on, printing of additional copies of hearing and report ------------- 1023 Congo Basin Treaties, arrangements for modification, acceptance and recogni- tion by Italy--- _-----_---------_ 1385 Congress: Adjournment ------ ----- _-----_--. 1029 Adjournment sine die --------------- 1029 Convening of, proclamation---------- 1093 Cuba, fiftieth anniversary celebration of liberation, appointment of joint committee, etc----------------- 1027 Empire Parliamentary Association, acceptance of invitation to meet- ing; appointment of delegations; expenses ---------------------- 1025 Enrolled bills, etc., signing of, after adjournment -------------- 1026, 1030 High prices of consumer goods, ap- pointment of subcommittees of Joint Committee on Economic Re- port for study, etc.; report --- _---- 1025 Joint Committee on Housing, estab- lishment, etc ------------ ______ 1027 Joint meeting of two Houses to receive communications from President-- - 1021. Conventions. See also Treaties. Civil aviation, international, multi- lateral ..____ ______ Inter-American automotive traffic-. . .. Coombs, George W., payment to estate of- Copyright Extension, Proclamations: France-------------------. .. .. . .. .. New Zealand --.......... Corenevsky, George, payment to ----- Costa Rica: Convention respecting international civil aviation __ _. .. Protocols- Inter-American Coffee Agreement, modification and extension_ _ -- - Narcotic drugs, amendment of desig- nated prior agreements, etc--- Cotton: Extra long-staple, supplemental quota on imports, proclamation-_--____ Harsh or rough, certain, quota on im- ports, proclamation --.-- ____ __ Court of Justice, International, recogni- tion of compulsory jurisdiction, dec- laration respecting --- __.__. .__- - Cowan, Gilda, payment to legal guardian of -- Cox, F. T., payment to . - ......... ... Cox, G. W ., payment to------ .. ... ... -- 1029 1180 1129 1004 1057 1065 1003 1180 1222 2230 1071 1049 1218 970 1017 1017 CLXX