Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/1325

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CLXXII Driving License, International: Forms ------------- __.__.______ Pag 1164-117( Requirement in certain cases under convention respecting inter-Ameri- can automotive traffic -----. ___-_ Dunn, Nellie P., payment to estate of- - Duties and Other Import Restrictions, Existing, modifications or continu- ance of, proclamation -------- __--- E "Economic Reconstruction in Europe", printing of additional copies of House report ------------------- _____--_ Economic Report, Joint Committee on, appointment of subcommittees for study, etc., of high prices of consumer goods; report --------------- .. ..- Ecuador: Conventions- Inter-American automotive traffic--- International civil aviation ----- ___ Protocols- Inter-American Coffee Agreement, modification and extension --__ Narcotic drugs, amendment of des- ignated prior agreements, etc--- Sanitary aerial navigation, exten- sion of convention of 1944------ Sanitary maritime navigation, ex- tension of convention of 1944-- . 114. 967 110; 102. 1025 1129 118( 1222 2230 1122 1115 Egypt: Convention respecting international civil aviation ---------------------- 1180 Protocol respecting narcotic drugs, amendment of designated prior agreements, etc----------------- 2230 Eire. See Ireland. El Salvador: Conventions- Inter-American automotive traffic-_- 1129 International civil aviation -------- 1180 Protocol modifying and extending Inter- American Coffee Agreement ------ 1222 Empire Parliamentary Association, ac- ceptance by Senate and House of Representatives of invitation to meet- ing; appointment of delegations; ex- penses------_ -- -- -- --- -_ __------ 1025 Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, National, Proclamation: 1946 --- ------------------- .- -- - 1041 1947 ----------------------------- 1086 England. See Great Britain. Ethiopia: Convention respecting international civil aviation --------- ..- -- -- -- 1180 Independence, recognition by Italy; general provisions in treaty of peace with Italy ----- ------------ 1.834 Reparations from Italy ----------- _ 1398 Treaty of peace with Italy --- .- -. .- 1245 Europe, Economic Reconstruction in, printing of additional copies of House report--- ___ ___ .. __ _. _. ___ .. __ _- Everglades National Wildlife Refuge, Fla., designation of closed area, proclama- tion--____________................ Executive Agreements. See International Agreements Other Than Treaties, Parts S-6 of this volume. Extrom, Andrew Charles, relief from lia- bility; repayment to - _-- --- __ __ __ _ F Farley, Donna Louise, payment to legal guardian of ------ _______________- Farley, Mrs. Susie, payment to------- Farley, Thomas M., payment to-__ __ .. . Farm Safety Week, National, 1947, observ- ance of, proclamation -__-________ Farrow, E. W., payment to ----- ______- - Farrow, W. H., payment to ___- _- ____- Feamster, Alien T., Jr., payment to__-- Federal Reserve System, exclusion of member banks from the scope of the proclamations of Mar. 6 and 9, 1933, and the Executive order of Mar. 10, 1933, proclamation_ -- ______- ____- -- Federal Works Agency, payment to South- eastern Sand and Gravel Com- pany-....__........_____________. Fidone, Edna Rita Saffron, admission for permanent residence - . __. . .. ___ ___. "Final Report Reconversion Experience and Current Economic Problems", printing of additional copies of House report ------------------. .. - .. .. . Finland, extension of time for renewing trade-mark registrations, proclama- tion .......................... Fire Prevention Week, Proclamation: 1946--. ... .. ... ... .. .. 1947--. ... _ Flag Day, 1947, proclamation............ Flint, Maxton H. (Col.), credit in ac- counts ---------------------- . Florida: Everglades National Wildlife Refuge, designation of closed area------- Sanibel National Wildlife Refuge, des- ignation of closed area for taking, etc., of migratory birds -------- Foreign Economic Policy of the United States, Postwar, printing of addi- tional copies of House report ... .. Foreign Service, Department of State, reappointment of Herschel V. John- son ..- - 'oster, O. A., payment to - ..--.- --- -- ournier. J . En_ avm- . + - -

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