Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/1335

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CLXXXII Page Skakich, Vojislav N., provision for natu- ralization -------------- __---____- 1004 Small Businessmen, Representation on Government Boards, Etc., resolution respecting ----. .. ______----------_ 1024 Smith, Paul A. (Lt. Comdr.), appointment as alternate U. S . representative to Interim Council and U. S. represent- ative to Air Navigation Committee, Provisional International Civil Avia- tion Organization------------------ 965 Soldo, Michael, admission for permanent residence -------------- _ ---.---- - 992 South Africa, Union of: Convention respecting international civil aviation ---------------------- 1180 Protocols- Narcotic drugs, amendment of desig- nated prior agreements, etc ----- 2230 Sanitary aerial navigation, extension of convention of 1944 -------- _ 1122 Sanitary maritime navigation, exten- sion of convention of 1944 ------ _ 1115 Sugar, regulation of production and marketing, prolonging agreement of May 6, 1937---- __--------- _ 1236 Whaling, International Agreement for the Regulation of, amendment_ 1213 Supplementary protocol -------- _ 1240 Treaties of peace- Bulgaria ------------- _ -- . ._ __ -- - . 1915 Hungary------------------------ 2065 Italy-- ------------------------- 1245 Roumania------------------ . - - -. - _ 1757 Southeastern Sand and Gravel Company, payment to ------------.- -- .. .- . 977 Soviet Socialist Republics, Union of: Frontiers, provisions in treaties of peace with Roumania and Hungary_. 1801, 2111 Protocols- Narcotic drugs, amendment of des- ignated prior agreements, etc-_ 2230 Sugar, regulation of production and marketing, prolonging agreement of May 6, 1937----------------- 1236 Whaling, supplementary protocol --- 1240 Reparations from- Hungary- ------------------- --- 2119 Italy--------------------------- 1397 Roumania ----------------------- 1807 Treaties of peace- Bulgaria- ---------------------- _ 1915 Hungary ------. .-- -- - ...-------- 2065 Italy -------------------- .. .- -- . 1245 Roumania ----------------------- 1757 Spain, convention respecting international civil aviation --- ........------- --. 1180 Spencer, Charlie E., payment to heirs of - 975 Spencer, Ola Lucas, payment to-------- 975 Spencer, Tom C., payment to heirs of- ..- Spradling, S. C., payment to----. .. -- -- . Spud's Tailors, Laundry, and Dry Clean- ing Works, Honolulu, Hawaii, pay- ment to P. L. (Spud) Murphey as owner and manager---------------- Stanfield, Ralph, payment to legal guard- ian of ------------------ _ __ _ __ -_ _ Stare, Viktor A., provision for naturaliza- tion-___________________________- State, Department of: Johnson, Herschel V., reappointment to Foreign Service ---- _-__ ____ _ Kuter, Laurence S. (Maj. Gen.), pay- ment of compensation and allow- ances during designated period--_- Smith, Paul A. (Lt. Comdr.), payment of compensation and allowances during designated period - ... ___ Stern, Julius A. (Lt.), payment to ----- _ Stone, J. F. (Capt.), payment to-------___ Sugar, multilateral protocol prolonging agreement of May 6, 1937, respect- ing regulation of production and marketing - ... ___________________ Sugar Act of 1937, termination of suspen- sion of title II, proclamation --_ __ __ Supreme Court of United States, review of pending Philippine cases; termina- tion of right of review-_____-______ Surplus Lands or Structures, Certain, report as, or disposition of, by War Department, Navy Department, and War Assets Administration ._ ..... Sweden, convention respecting interna- tional civil aviation ------.. .. ... .. Switzerland: Convention respecting international civil aviation-- -- -- -- --- -- -. .. .. - ___ Trade-mark registrations, extension of time for renewing, proclamation--_ Syria: Convention respecting international civil aviation -------- _-__.____._____ Protocol respecting narcotic drugs, amendment of designated prior agreements, etc --..----...- __ T Tariff and Trade, General Agreement on, Etc., modifications or continuance of existing duties and other import re- strictions pursuant to, proclamation- Tax Revision, printing of additional copies of hearings, etc ...------- ___ ___ _ Taylor, Charles W., Jr., payment to ... . Thailand, convention respecting inter- national civil aviatin Page 975 980 1016 1004 1004 964 964 965 982 982 1236 1098 1175 1026 1180 1180 1081 1180 2230 1103 1027 1002 1180 INDEX - -- - v u - -

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