Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/1337

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CLXXXIV Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic-Con. Treaties of peace-Continued Italy- _ _---- ----__ .- _ _-_ ______ __- Roumania ---------- ___-_______- Un-American Activities, Committee on, printing of additional copies of hear- ing and report------.-- --- --- --- --. Underwood, James H., credit in account; relief from liability ------ ______ __- - Union of South Africa. See South Africa, Union of. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Socialist Republics, Union of. United Kingdom. See Great Britain. United Nations, duties under designated narcotic drug agreements, etc., trans- fer from League of Nations-------- United Nations Education Day, procla- mation-------------_ -- _ _ __ _ _ _ . -_ _ United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration: Aerial Navigation, International Sani- tary Convention for, 1944, continu- ation of functions assigned by---- International Sanitary Convention of 1944, continuation of functions assigned by_ Uruguay: Convention respecting international civil aviation ----------- __ ___. ___ ___ Protocol respecting narcotic drugs, amendment of designated prior agreements, etc----------------- Pag 124 175 102 101 223' 104; 112; 111f 118( 223( V Van Home, L. H. (Maj.), credit in ac- counts----------.------------ ---- 981 Venezuela: Protocols- Inter-American Coffee Agreement, modification and extension.... 1222 Narcotic drugs, amendnent of desig- nated prior agreements, etc. -. 2230 Vessels, control of, in territorial waters of the United States, revocation of proc- lamation relating to -- _ --_ -- -.- - - 1069 Vienna Award of Aug. 30, 1940, decisions declared null and void by treaty of peace with Roumania ------------- 1801 Vienna Awards of Nov. 2, 1938, and Aug. 30, 1940, declared null and void by treaty of peace with Hungary- _ 2111, 2120 W War Assets Administration, surplus lands or structures, certain, report as, or disposition of-- . ............ War Criminals: Peace treaty provisions relating to- Bulgaria----_ _... ...--------- Hungary__ . ... ............ Italy------------------ . -...- Roumania ------------ .. - ......__ 1026 1956 2113 1386 1802 War Department: Louisiana Power and Light Company, easement and conveyance at Camp Livingston, La------------------ Surplus lands or structures, certain, re- port as, or disposition of---- _ _ _ - Warren, Mrs. Euginia Mason, payment to- Washington's Farewell Address, one hun- dred and fiftieth anniversary of, proclamation -- . . ________________- Wesche, Mrs. Frederick Faber, admission for permanent residence ---- ______- Weston, Mrs. Thomas G., payment to __ Whaling, International Agreement for the Regulation of, protocol amending__ - Supplementary protocol -------- _____ White, Alice Scott, issuance of patent in fee authorized ----- _____-__-_____- Willink, Arthur (Maj.), credit in accounts_ Willis, Mary Windley, payment to------ Wood, R. W ., payment to------------. Wood, Roscoe L., grant of private right- of-way to --------- .. .- ________-- Woods, Archie S., payment to estate of- _ Woodyard, P. W ., payment to--_ -- - __- World Health Organization, duties under designated narcotic drug agreements, etc., transferred from League of Nations ------------ _ ._-- - ___ - - World War I, cessation of hostilities, proclamation____

_ _____- __. . Worrall, L. P . (Col.), credit in accounts___ Page 983 1026 975 1039 979 975 1213 1240 998 981 975 997 968 967 1017 2232 1048 980 Y Young, John C. (Rev.), payment to---- 993 Yugoslav Fliers, Certain, provision for naturalization -------------------- 1004 Yugoslavia: Frontiers, provisions in treaties of peace with Italy and Hungary -------- 1372, 1376, 1381,2111 Italian citizens, certain, acquisition of Yugoslav nationality __-- - .._--- . 1379 Property, etc., restoration by Italy --- 1377 Protocols- Narcotic drugs, amendment of des- ignated prior agreements, etc-_ - 2230 Sugar, regulation of production and marketing, prolonging agreement of May 6, 1937 ------------- 1236 Reparations from- Bulgaria -_----_----------------- 1960 Hungary-------------

__ _ 2119 Italy ------------------------- _ 1398 Treaties of peace- Bulgaria- - ----- _-------------- 1915 Hungary -------------. - -- -- -- - - 2065 Italy -. . ........- 1245 Trieste, Free Territory of, supply of water and electricity to; frontier trade__ IA