Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/194

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[61 STAT. al trafico internacional, al entrar al salir de su territorio. Tales registros, si se lHevan, deberan incluir anotaciones al efecto de que el vehiculo ha cumplido con las disposiciones de los Articulos Xy XI. ARTICULO XVI Las horas y rutas habilitadas para el cruce de las fronteras por vehiculos debidamente inscritos se fijaran de comdn acuerdo entre los Estados limitrofes, comunican- dose sus decisiones a las autori- dades aduaneras correspondientes. vehicles and operators admitted to international traffic. If such records are maintained, they shall include a notation that the vehicle has complied with the provisions of Articles X and XI. ARTICLE XVI The hours and routes dedicated to the crossing of frontiers by properly registered vehicles shall be fixed by common consent of the adjacent States and their de- cisions communicated to the cor- responding custom authorities. ARTICULO XVII Infections of Con- Las infracciones a la presente vention. Convenci6n seran castigadas de conformidad con las leyes y re- glamentos del Estado en el cual se cometan. Las infracciones que sean motivo de multa legal seran comunicadas por el juez o magistrado a las auto- ridades correspondientes, las que, a su vez, daran cuenta a las autori- dades del pais, o de la subdivisi6n politica correspondiente del mismo, en el cual el vehiculo y su duefio o conductor se hubieren inscrito originalmente. ARTICULO XVIII fin nti of freuire-Todo vehiculo o conductor ad- ments of Convention. mitido al trafico internacional de acuerdo con los t&minos de la Convenci6n Internacional para la Circulaci6n de Autom6viles, sus- crita en 1909 y enmendada en 1926, y que exhiba los corres- pondientes documentos exigidos en la misma, se considerara que ha cumplido con las disposiciones de la presente Convenci6n. ARTICLE XVII Infractions of this Convention shall be punished in conformity with the laws and regulations of the country in which committed. Infractions which shall have incurred judicial penalty shall be communicated by the judge or magistrate to the proper author- ities, who in turn shall communi- cate them to the authorities of the State or its political subdi- vision in which the vehicle and its owner or operator were orig- inally registered. ARTICLE XVIII Any vehicle or operator ad- mitted to international traffic under the provisions of the Inter- national Convention for the Cir- culation of Automobiles, 1909, as amended in 1926, and holding the documents required there- under, will be recognized as ful- filling the requirements of the present Convention. Ante, pp. 1138,1140. Fixingof routes,etc., crossing frontiers. 1148 TREATIES