Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/215

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61 STAT.] INTER-AMERICAN-AUTOMOTIVE TRAFFIC-DEC. 31, 1943 POR BOLIVIA: (F) LUIS F. GUACHALLA 15 de diciembre de 1943 PELO BRASIL: (A) FERNANDO LOBO POR CUBA: (F) 15 de dezembro de 1943 AURELIO F. CONCHESO 15 de diciembre de 1943 POR ECUADOR: (F) C. E. ALFARO 15 de diciembre de 1943 POR GUATEMALA: (F) ADRIAN RECINOS 15 de diciembre de 1943 POUR HAITI: (S) A. LIAUTAUD 15 Decembre 1943 POR NICARAGUA: (F) GUILLERMO SEVILLA S. 15 de diciembre de 1943 POR PERU: (F) M. DE FREYRE Y S. 15 de diciembre de 1943 (SELLO) POR LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA: El Plenipotenciario de la Repdblica Dominicana firma la Convenci6n con la siguiente reserva: Que la disposici6n del Art. XIV no implica que el t6rmino de un afio que indica el Art. XII se refiere al tiempo durante el cual un vehiculo puede transitar en un Estado Contratante, sin haber puesto fianza o sin pagar los derechos que sus leyes exijan, sino al tdrmino de caducidad del certificado de admisi6n que el Estado puede no exigir. Asimismo, que esta Conven- ci6n no afecta los tratados, convenciones u otros acuerdos internacionales que la Republica Dominicana haya consentido o consienta ni a sus leyes de inmigraci6n. A. COPELLO 15 de diciembre de 1943 FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Signed subject to the understanding and reservation that nothing in Article XV shall be construed to require the use of personnel and facilities of the United States of America for the purpose of determining compliance with the provisions of Articles X and XI by vehicles whenever, in the opinion of the competent authorities of the United States of America, there would result an impairment of essential services performed by such personnel and facilities or an undue hindrance to the movement of automotive traffic into and from the territory of the United States of America. (S) CORDELL HULL December 31, 1943 Ante, p. 1146 . Ante, pp . 1138,1140. (SEAL) POR EL SALVADOR: (F) HECTOR DAVID CASTRO 6 de enero de 1944 (SELLO) [Translation:The Plenipotentiary of the Dominican Republic signs the Convention with the following reservation: That the provision of Article XIV shall not imply that the period of one year mentioned in Article XII refers to the time during which a vehicle may operate in a Contracting State, without having given bond or paying the taxes that its laws require, but rather to the period of validity of the certificate of admission, which the State may not require. Also, that this Convention shall not affect the treaties, conventions or other international agreements which the Dominican Republic has concluded or may conclude, nor its immigration laws. (8) A. COPxLLo December , 1,94 (SaL)] (SELLO) (SILO) (SELLO) (SELLO) (SELLO) (SCEAU) (SELLO) (F) (SELLO)['I