Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/232

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States, parties to this Convention, as either (1) are parties to the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and to any amendments thereof; or (2) have enacted patent laws which recognize and give adequate protection to inventions made by the nationals of the other States parties to this Convention. Article 28 Airigaton Each contracting State undertakes, so far as it may standard find practicable, to: (a) Provide, in its territory, airports, radio serv- ices, meteorological services and other air navigation facilities to facilitate international air navigation, in accordance with the standards and practices recom- mended or established from time to time, pursuant to this Convention; (b) Adopt and put into operation the appropriate standard systems of communications procedure, codes, markings, signals, lighting and other operational prac- tices and rules which may be recommended or estab- lished from time to time, pursuant to this Convention; (c) Collaborate in international measures to se- cure the publication of aeronautical maps and charts in accordance with standards which may be recom- mended or established from time to time, pursuant to this Convention. CHAPTER V CONDITIONS TO BE FULFILLED WITH RESPECT TO AIRCRAFT Article 29 Documents btd, In Every aircraft of a contracting State, engaged in in- arcr ternational navigation, shall carry the following docu- ments in conformity with the conditions prescribed in this Convention: (a) Its certificate of registration; (b) Its certificate of airworthiness; (c) The appropriate licenses for each member of the crew; (d) Its journey log book; (e) If it is equipped with radio apparatus, the aircraft radio station license; (f) If it carries passengers, a list of their names and places of embarkation and destination; (g) If it carries cargo, a manifest and detailed declarations of the cargo. TREATIES [61 STAT.