Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/246

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[61 STAT. Article 75 Taking over of facilities from A contracting State may at any time discharge any Council obligation into which it has entered under Article 70, and take over airports and other facilities which the Council has provided in its territory pursuant to the provisions of Articles 71 and 72, by paying to the Council an amount which in the opinion of the Council is reasonable in the circumstances. If the State considers that the amount fixed by the Council is unreasonable it may appeal to the Assembly against the decision of the Council and the Assembly may confirm or amend the decision of the Council. Article 76 Return offunds Funds obtained by the Council through reimbursement under Article 75 and from receipts of interest and amor- tization payments under Article 74 shall, in the case of advances originally financed by States under Article 73, be returned to the States which were originally assessed in the proportion of their assessments, as determined by the Council. CHAPTER XVI JOINT OPERATING ORGANIZATIONS AND POOLED SERVICES Article 77 onrgniotti Nothing in this Convention shall prevent two or more permitted contracting States from constituting joint air transport operating organizations or international operating agen- cies and from pooling their air services on any routes or in any regions, but such organizations or agencies and such pooled services shall be subject to all the provisions of this Convention, including those relating to the regis- tration of agreements with the Council. The Council shall determine in what manner the provisions of this Convention relating to nationality of aircraft shall apply to aircraft operated by international operating agencies. Article 78 Function of counci o The Council may suggest to contracting States con- cerned that they form joint organizations to operate air services on any routes or in any regions. Article 79 Participation AStt ma Partiipton A State may participate in joint operating organiza- orgization i tions or in pooling arrangements, either through its government or through an airline company or companies designated by its government. The companies may, at the sole discretion of the State concerned, be state-owned or partly state-owned or privately owned. 1202 TREBATIES