Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/249

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-CIVIL AVIATION-DEC. 7, 1944 any other matter, decisions of the Council shall, if appealed from, be suspended until the appeal is decided. The decisions of the Permanent Court of International Justice and of an arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding. Article 87 Each contracting State undertakes not to allow the Ponnmity operation of an airline of a contracting State through the of airl airspace above its territory if the Council has decided that the airline concerned is not conforming to a final decision rendered in accordance with the previous Article. Article 88 The Assembly shall suspend the voting power in the nPensfty fo Assembly and in the Council of any contracting State bystate that is found in default under the provisions of this Chapter. CHAPTER XI WAR Article 89 In case of war, the provisions of this Convention emergency shall not affect the freedom of action of any of the con- conditions tracting States affected, whether as belligerents or as neutrals. The same principle shall apply in the case of any contracting State which declares a state of na- tional emergency and notifies the fact to the Council. CHAPTER XX ANNEXES Article 90 (a) The adoption by the Council of the Annexes Anetint o described in Article 54, subparagraph (1), shall require Annexes Ante,p.1197. the vote of two-thirds of the Council at a meeting called for that purpose and shall then be submitted by the Council to each contracting State. Any such Annex or any amendment of an Annex shall become effective within three months after its submission to the con- tracting States or at the end of such longer period of time as the Council may prescribe, unless in the mean- time a majority of the contracting States registertheir disapproval with the Council. (b) The Council shall immediately notify all contract- ing States of the coming into force of any Annex or amendment thereto. 1205