Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/433

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or permanent fortifications and weapons already installed in them may take place. 4. In Sicily and Sardinia Italy shall be prohibited from constructing any naval, military and air force installations or fortifications except for such accommodation for security forces as may be required for tasks of an internal character. Article 51 Italy shall not possess, construct or experiment with (i) any atomic weapon, (ii) any self-propelled or guided missiles or apparatus connected with their discharge (other than torpedoes and torpedo-launching gear comprising the normal armament of naval vessels permitted by the present Treaty), (iii) any guns with a range of over 30 kilometers, (iv) sea mines or torpedoes of non-contact types actuated by influence mechanisms, (v) any torpedoes capable of being manned. Article 52 The acquisition of war material of German or Japanese origin or design, either from inside or outside Italy, or its manufacture, is prohibited to Italy. Article 53 Italy shall not manufacture or possess, either publicly or privately, any war material different in type from, or exceeding in quantity, that required for the forces permitted in Sections III, IV and V below. Article 54 The total number of heavy and medium tanks in the Italian armed forces shall not exceed 200. Article 55 In no case shall any officer or non-commissioned officer of the former Fascist Militia or of the former Fascist Republican Army be permitted to hold officer's or non-commissioned officer's rank in the Italian Navy, Army, Air Force or Carabinieri, with the exception of such persons as shall have been exonerated by the appropriate body in accordance with Italian law. SECTION III - LIMITATION OF THE ITALIAN NAVY Article 56 1. The present Italian Fleet shall be reduced to the units listed in Annex XII A. 1390 [61 STAT. TREATIES