Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/457

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LIST OF ANNEXES I. Maps (see separate volume) II. Franco-Italian Frontier: Detailed description of the sections of the frontier to which the modifications set out in Article 2 apply III. Guarantees in connection with Mont Cenis and the Tenda-Briga district IV. Provisions agreed upon by the Austrian and Italian Governments on September 5, 1946 V. Water supply for Gorizia and vicinity VI. Permanent Statute of the Free Territory of Trieste VII. Instrument for the Provisional Regime of the Free Territory of Trieste VIII. Instrument for the Free Port of Trieste IX. Technical dispositions regarding the Free Territory of Trieste X. Economic and financial provisions relating to the Free Territory of Trieste XI. Joint declaration by the Governments of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France concerning Italian territorial possessions in Africa XII. List of Naval Units: A. To be retained by Italy B. To be handed over by Italy XIII. Definitions: A. Naval B. Military, Military Air and Naval Training C. Definition and list of war material D. Definition of the terms "demilitarisation" and "demili- tarised" XIV. Economic and financial provisions relating to ceded territories XV. Special provisions relating to certain kinds of property: A. Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property B. Insurance XVI. Contracts, Prescription and Negotiable Instruments XVII. Prize Courts and Judgments 1414 [61 STAT. TREATIES