Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/459

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Then it mounts to the top of the landslips which overlook Ferrera Cenisio about 300 meters away and, continuing westwards, meets the road which skirts the east of Rne. Paradiso 400 meters west of the loop (1854), leaving it immediately and bending southwards. It cuts the Bar Cenisia road at a point about 100 meters southeast of Refuge 5, crosses the thalweg in the direction of Lago S. Giorgio, roughly follows contour 1900 as far as point 1907, then skirts the southern side of Lago d'Arpon and rejoins the rocky ridge on which it remains in a south- westerly direction as far as the confluence of the streams coming from the Bard glacier (Ghiacciaio di Bard) at a point approximately 1,400 meters southwest of Lago d'Arpon. From there, bending southwards, it roughly follows contour 2500, goes as far as point 2579, then, running along contour 2600, it reaches the Lago della Vecchia and rejoins, at the administrative boundary marked on the map about 700 meters southeast of the lake, the Pso. d'Avanza path, which it follows along the rocky escarpments to the old frontier, half- way between the Col della Vecchia and the Col de Clapier. Mont Thabor Reference: 1:20,000 map: Nevache, 1-2, 5-6 and 7-8 From Cima de la Planette to Rocher de Guion (Cima del Sueur) The new frontier follows a line which leaves the present frontier at Cima de la Planette and, proceeding southwards, follows the ridge through points 2980, 3178, Rca. Bernaude (3228), points 2842, 2780, 2877, Pso. della Gallina (2671), points 2720, 2806 and Pta. Quattro Sorelle (2700). Descending the eastern slope of this summit, the line leaves in French territory point 2420, whence it rejoins and follows on the east the path leading to the buildings situated about 200 meters from point 2253, this path and these buildings being left in French territory. It then enters a thalweg, passing about 300 meters northeast of point 1915, whence it reaches the northwestern edge of the reservoir which, in the Vallee Etroite (Valle Stretta) feeds the hydro-electric installations of Sette Fontane, leaving this reservoir and these installations in Italian territory. Skirting the reservoir on the south, it reaches the crossroads at point 1499. Thence it follows the path which hugs the edge of the woods along contour 1500 and which leads it to Comba della Gorgia near the 1580 1416 TREATIES [61 STAT.