Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/486

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MULTILATERAL-PEACE WITH ITALY-FEB . 10 , 1947 1443 to amend existing laws and regulations and to introduce new laws and regu- lations in agreement with the majority of the Provisional Council of Gov- ernment. Such amended and new laws and regulations, as well as the acts of the Governor in regard to the revocation or suspension of laws and regu- lations, shall be valid unless and until they are amended, revoked or super- seded by acts of the popular Assembly or the Council of Government within their respective spheres after the entry into force of the Constitution. Article 11 Pending the establishment of a separate currency regime for the Free Territory the Italian lira shall continue to be the legal tender within the Free Territory. The Italian Government shall supply the foreign exchange and currency needs of the Free Territory under conditions no less favorable than those applying in Italy. Italy and the Free Territory shall enter into an agreement to give effect to the above provisions as well as to provide for any settlement between the two Governments which may be required. ANNEX VIII Instrument for the Free Port of Trieste Article 1 1. In order to ensure that the port and transit facilities of Trieste will be available for use on equal terms by all international trade and by Yugo- slavia, Italy and the States of Central Europe, in such manner as is customary in other free ports of the world: (a) There shall be a customs free port in the Free Territory of Trieste within the limits provided for by or established in accordance with Article 3 of the present Instrument. (b) Goods passing through the Free Port of Trieste shall enjoy freedom of transit as stipulated in Article 16 of the present Instrument. 2. The international regime of the Free Port shall be governed by the provisions of the present Instrument. 61 STAT.]