Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/865

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERALPEACE WITH ROUMANIA-FEB . 10, 1947 1823 ANNEX III (See Article 16) Definition and List of War Material The term "war material" as used in the present Treaty shall include all arms, ammunition and implements specially designed or adapted for use in war as listed below. The Allied and Associated Powers reserve the right to amend the list periodically by modification or addition in the light of subsequent scientific development. Category I. 1. Military rifles, carbines, revolvers and pistols; barrels for these weapons and other spare parts not readily adaptable for civilian use. 2. Machine guns, military automatic or autoloading rifles, and ma- chine pistols; barrels for these weapons and other spare parts not readily adaptable for civilian use; machine gun mounts. 3. Guns, howitzers, mortars, cannon special to aircraft; breechless or recoil-less guns and flamethrowers; barrels and other spare parts not readily adaptable for civilian use; carriages and mountings for the fore- going. 4. Rocket projectors; launching and control mechanisms for self- propelling and guided missiles; mountings for same. 5. Self-propelling and guided missiles, projectiles, rockets, fixed am- munition and cartridges, filled or unfilled, for the arms listed in sub- paragraphs 1-4 above and fuses, tubes or contrivances to explode or operate them. Fuses required for civilian use are not included. 6. Grenades, bombs, torpedoes, mines, depth charges and incendiary materials or charges, filled or unfilled; all means for exploding or operat- ing them. Fuses required for civilian use are not included. 7. Bayonets.